Matt Ehret: Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open System Ideologies Clash Again

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Strategy-Holistic Coherence

Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open System Ideologies Clash Again

For those who have not yet made this disturbing discovery, the Great Reset agenda was first unveiled by the World Economic Forum as a cover for imposing a new world economic order upon nation states. This reset hides behind a veneer of morality but is actually reveals a to feudalism with a technotronic twist.

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Matt Ehret: Geopolitics & Empire: Striving for World Government, Bretton Woods vs Belt & Road

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Strategy-Holistic Coherence

Geopolitics & Empire: Striving for World Government, Bretton Woods vs Belt & Road

In this episode of Geopolitics and Empire, I had the opportunity to discuss the causes, history and purpose of the idea of world government which has poisoned so much of recent history. In this discussion, we contrast two opposing ways of defining the species and world economies: 1) open system vs 2) closed system. When we explore the minds of such statesmen as Xi Jinping and Putin today, or JFK, FDR and Lincoln in the past, we can recognize a similar understanding of natural law which stands in stark contrast to the misanthropic depopulation-oriented agenda of Davos-creatures today and their League of Nations-pushing imperial forbears of the past.

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Tom Atlee: Intercentricity (Part 2a): Examples – from activism to love and spirituality

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Intercentricity (Part 2a): Examples – from activism to love and spirituality

In my last post I introduced basic principles of intercentricity – a dynamic worldview of reciprocal aliveness. In this post and the next, I explore how that worldview plays out in a number of diverse realms. It’s a bit long, so I’ve divided it into two parts to make it more accessible.

This post – Part 2a – explores the manifestation of intercentricity in the realms of activism, love, spirituality & religion, greetings, and countries & cultures. In Part 2b tomorrow, I’ll explore intercentricity in networks, pluralism & self-actualization, education, power, and deep & wise democracy.

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Matt Ehret: The 1508 League of Cambrai and The BRI Today: How Not to Repeat History

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The 1508 League of Cambrai and The BRI Today: How Not to Repeat History

The Russia-China alliance has become a powerhouse of visionary infrastructure projects across the Arctic, Eurasia, Africa and Europe exemplified beautifully by the evolving Belt and Road Initiative and BRICS. This cooperative alliance has tapped into a strategic reality of mankind’s genuine common interests which is so powerful that even countries formerly at war with each other and subjects of imperial manipulation have increasingly broken free in order to participate in this new paradigm.

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PBI: The Satanic pedophiles are doomed. The Great Awakening has begun and is centered on China,  Iran, and Russia while the USA fights its spiritual war to determine if it will be part of the future or relegated to the dustbin of history.

Matt Ehret: Poe’s Metaphysics: Rediscovering Eureka

Cultural Intelligence

Poe’s Metaphysics: Rediscovering Eureka

Eureka: A Prose Poem was intended by the author to be the governing philosophical manifesto that would guide the spirit of the Stylus and was based upon a series of February 1848 lectures delivered by Poe in New York entitled “The Cosmography of the Universe”. A newspaper covering the lecture stated this directly:

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PBI: This is steaming shit hot serious stuff.  Read with care.

Andrew Napolitano: The Constitution Is Not For Sale

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Military

The Constitution Is Not For Sale

The DIA and other domestic American spy entities — there are 16 that the government acknowledges it operates — have taken the view that because the tracking software is available commercially, and because the domestic spies are intelligence and not law enforcement, they need not obtain a warrant. Stated differently, because the DIA did not seek to use its powers to compel a warrantless search of phone records, but rather stole phone signals, it committed no wrong!

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