SchwartzReport: Keystone Pipeline Scam United Kochs (New York Money) with Decrepit Legacy Refineries (Texas Energy) to Screw the US Public Generally

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Now you see the curtain pulled back. The Keystone pipeline is a classic example of profit for the few — the Koch's could make many many billions from Keystone — and potential disaster for the many. It is now completely transparent. And yet it could still happen.

The Koch-Keystone Connection: Brothers Are The Largest Lease Holders in Canada’s Oil Sands
LINDSAY ABRAMS, Assistant Editor – Salon

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SchwartzReport: True Cost of Plastics Leaching Poison Into Foods and Bodies Now Emergent…

03 Economy, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is the latest on plastics, and the potential for harmful substances leeching foods packaged in plastics. This is not a happy story. My counsel is to choose foods, particularly liquid foods, that are not in plastic containers.

The Scary New Evidence on BPA-Free Plastics
MARIAH BLAKE – Mother Jones

Anthony Judge: Implication of the 12 Knights in any Strategic Round Table

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Implication of the 12 Knights in any Strategic Round Table

Each circulating globally in quest of sustainability and immortality

Who can the “Knights” be imagined to be?
Labels tentatively indicative of the “Knights” and their noble ventures
Tentative 12-fold patterning of functions represented by the “Knights”
Interrelationship between functions — as implied by their knightly exemplars?
Questionable implications of the roundness of a table and reinforcement of “superficiality”
Knightly journeys in quest of global sustainability (and immortality)
Engagement of explicit masculine planning with implicit feminine globality
Indication of progressive approximation to explicit globality
Squaring the circle and cubing the sphere — the challenge of sustainability?
Global strategic encycling to engender integrative sustainability
Geometrical challenge to conventional “righteousness”
Containing the deadly question driving the quest

Yoda: Billionaires Funding Big Science

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Billionaires With Big Ideas Are Privatizing American Science

SchwartzReport: US Milk Bad — and Why

01 Agriculture, 07 Health, Earth Intelligence

If you have issues with milk you are going to find this story very important. We have here what I think is going to be an new datastream, a new thread tracing the failure of the Industrial Animal Husbandry model.

You're Drinking the Wrong Kind of Milk

When my in-laws moved from India to the United States some 35 years ago, they couldn't believe the low cost and abundance of our milk-until they developed digestive problems. They'll now tell you the same thing I've heard a lot of immigrants say: American milk will make you sick.

It takes HOW much water to make a glass of milk?!

It turns out that they could be onto something. An emerging body of research suggests that many of the 1 in 4 Americans who exhibit symptoms of lactose intolerance could instead be unable to digest A1, a protein most often found in milk from the high-producing Holstein cows favored by American and some European industrial dairies. The A1 protein is much less prevalent in milk from Jersey, Guernsey, and most Asian and African cow breeds, where, instead, the A2 protein predominates.

Transition Network Game Plan: 12 Ingredients

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

The twelve key ingredients to the Transition model

To begin with, it is important to note that although the term “Transition Town” has stuck, what we are talking about are Transition Cities, Transition Islands, Transition Hamlets, Transition Valleys, Transition Anywhere-You-Find-People.

These ingredients are not designed to be followed slavishly – like a good recipe in the hands of a creative chef, sometimes you'll need to switch the order around, substitute certain items, change the emphasis, add some spice! And that's what Transition Initiatives are doing – taking these ingredients, putting them in different orders and adapting them to local conditions. An example of this is Transition Town Bridport's interpretation of the 12 ingredients.

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Transition Network Concept Paper: Region-Wide Resilience in New England

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Reflections for Consideration

This short paper offers some “grist for the mill” as we consider together what regional resilience could mean for New England.

Download this document as a PDF.

New England has a long tradition of radical communitarian culture. The colonists came here as congregations or communities rather than as individuals. Communities banded together into state parliaments here and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution. The region has a tradition of social change, moral crusades and entrepreneurial invention which provides its unique character. It is no wonder that today New England is home to many thriving grassroots Transition and resilience groups. Our region has already organized three region-wide gatherings to share stories, lessons, inspiration and more, bringing together over 200 people from 50 communities and all six New England states.

While Transition and other grassroots groups focus on the vital task of local resiliency, it is becoming clear to many of us that the demands of our time, and the transition now unfolding, also require us to think regionally. What follows is an attempt to sketch out a rationale for thinking at a regional scale — as opposed to only the local, national, and global ones we are more accustomed to.

This document is offered in the spirit of provoking reflection and as a springboard for further discussion. We hope it sets the stage for a deeper dive into the ideas of regional resilience. We also hope it serves as an invitation for us all to collectively imagine the kind of region where we, our children, and our grandchildren, can grow and thrive.

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