JZ: Polyface Farming – Worth a Look

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Jason "JZ" Liszkiewicz
Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

Polyface, Inc. is a family owned, multi-generational, pasture-based, beyond organic, local-market farm and informational outreach in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley.

We produce:

  • Salad Bar Beef
  • Pigaerator Pork
  • Pastured Poultry (Eggs, Broilers, Turkeys)
  • Forage-Based Rabbits
  • Forestry Products

We are in the redemption business: healing the land, healing the food, healing the economy, and healing the culture. Writing, speaking, and farm tours offer various message venues.

Experience the satisfaction of knowing your food and your farmer, building community. We are your clean meat connection. Visit web site.

Book: Joel Salatin, Fields of Farmers – Interning, Mentoring, Partnering, Germinating (2013)


Tom Atlee: Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy

The climate crisis is far more than an environmental issue. Adequately ramping up efforts to address it will require prioritizing a climate-justice movement which taps the potent activism of struggling peoples for whom social change is and has always been a matter of survival. In addition to resisting destructive forces, this approach will involve wholesale development of economic democracy, including “cooperatives and worker-owned businesses, community-development financial institutions, community land trusts, local agriculture and community-owned renewable energy, as well as efforts to reconceive corporations and redefine economic growth”. Such actions unjust corporate dominance, build local community resilience to deal with climate shocks, and nurture grassroots power to transform systems that urgently need transforming.

Dear friends,

The summary above will hopefully whet your appetite for the remarkable articles below. The main one which I have included in full, promotes with compelling logic the need to merge the climate movement with the economic democracy movement. “From Occupy to Climate Justice” was written by Wen Stephenson a few weeks ago. Stephenson also wrote the powerful article featured in my recent post Climate Journalism, Climate Passion, Climate Conscience and Action.

I also highly recommend two other articles to deepen our understanding of what Stephenson is talking about.

Continue reading “Tom Atlee: Strategic Climate Activism: Resist – and build a cooperative, democratic economy”

Berto Jongman: 214 Human Brain Poisons Identified

03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Growing number of chemicals linked with brain disorders in children

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

214 human neurotoxicants now identified — many widely used and disseminated extensively in the global environment

Toxic chemicals may be triggering the recent increases in neurodevelopmental disabilities among children — such as autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and dyslexia — according to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The researchers say a new global prevention strategy to control the use of these substances is urgently needed.

The report was published online February 15, 2014 in Lancet Neurology.

“The greatest concern is the large numbers of children who are affected by toxic damage to brain development in the absence of a formal diagnosis. They suffer reduced attention span, delayed development, and poor school performance. Industrial chemicals are now emerging as likely causes,” said Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of environmental health at HSPH.

The report follows up on a similar review conducted by the authors in 2006 that identified five industrial chemicals as “developmental neurotoxicants,” or chemicals that can cause brain deficits.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification – The True Source of Climate Change

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification – The True Source of Climate Change


No leader in power is talking about the coming food crisis coming this summer and beyond, due to the lack of water in California. California is the “bread basket” of food produce and farmers will be cutting back severely on planting in the upcoming growing season.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification – The True Source of Climate Change”

Danielle Villegas: Google Seeks to Fiber 34 US Cities

03 Economy, 07 Health, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Danielle Villegas
Danielle Villegas

More availability to internet conduits and competition will help drive down prices and make access more…accessible to the masses. It'll be interesting to see how Google Fiber works out! –techcommgeekmom

Google will explore bringing Fiber to 34 new cities including Portland and Atlanta

Google just announced that it's invited cities in nine metro areas across the US to explore “what it would take” to bring its Google Fiber gigabit internet service to more locations. “People are hungrier than ever for faster Internet, and as a result, cities across America are making speed a priority,” Google says. “We've long believed that the Internet’s next chapter will be built on gigabit speeds, so it’s fantastic to see this momentum.” Google says up to 34 cities in all could potentially receive Fiber service. The nine metro areas where those cities are located include:

Read full article.

Continue reading “Danielle Villegas: Google Seeks to Fiber 34 US Cities”

SchwartzReport: US Food Prices to Soar Soon?

01 Agriculture, 01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I think this is a pretty good assessment concerning what is coming in food prices.

15 Reasons Why Your Food Prices Are About To Start Soaring

Did you know that the U.S. state that produces the most vegetables is going through the worst drought it has ever experienced and that the size of the total U.S. cattle herd is now the smallest that it has been since 1951? Just the other day, a CBS News article boldly declared that “food prices soar as incomes stand still”, but the truth is that this is only just the beginning.

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: US Food Prices to Soar Soon?”