Yoda: High Frequency Magnetic Resonance – The Other Side of Free Energy?

Earth Intelligence

Detection of very high frequency magnetic resonance could revolutionize electronics

A team of physicists has discovered an electrical detection method for terahertz electromagnetic waves, which are extremely difficult to detect. The discovery could help miniaturize the detection equipment on microchips and enhance sensitivity.

The finding, reported today in Nature, is based on a magnetic resonance phenomenon in anti-ferromagnetic materials. Such materials, also called antiferromagnets, offer unique advantages for ultrafast and spin-based nanoscale device applications.

DefDog: For 3% Of What We Spend on War We Could Create a Prosperous World at Peace…

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Military, Peace Intelligence

Just 3% of What the US Spends Destroying Countries Could End Starvation—On the Entire Planet

Democrats and Republicans alike remain silent as questioning the military industrial complex is akin to a thought crime. The war machine must go on and continue to expand or else they’ll find themselves out of a job. The majority of Americans follow the same code of silence when it comes to military spending. Boobus Americanus sits back in his recliner as his grandchildren’s future is squandered by mass murderers dropping million dollar bombs on people living in tents on the other side of the planet — for ‘freedom’ — of course.

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Yoda: US Navy UFO Extraterrestrial Free Energy Anti-Gravity Patents….

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Disclosure begins….

The Secretive Inventor Of The Navy's Bizarre ‘UFO Patents' Finally Talks

ver the last six months, The War Zone has been deeply reporting on a set of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy. The patents, which are all the product of a single inventor, truly sound like the stuff of science fiction and include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Most radical of all is the “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” claimed to be able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by seemingly bending the laws of physics as we know them.

Continue reading “Yoda: US Navy UFO Extraterrestrial Free Energy Anti-Gravity Patents….”

Kerry Cassidy: Recommended Reading — Inside the Earth The Second Tunnel

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence
Amazon Page

Stories of the inner earth have both fascinated and perplexed mankind since the dawn of time. Now, for the first time, hard scientific data is provided that the earth’s core is not what conventional science has always assumed. More amazing than the science, however, are the personal adventures of Radu Cinamar whose position in Department Zero, Romania’s secretive intelligence division, allows him to penetrate ancient subterranean passage ways and meet citizens of civilizations in the inner earth.Inside the Earth also provides us with a glimpse of the fabled city of Shambhala, a paradise at the core of the inner earth itself where balance and harmony are the basis of civilization.Within the core of the earth is intelligence reaching far beyond the scope of ordinary human consciousness. Inside the Earth is an opportunity for initiation as you explore the frequencies of your own inner nature.