Antechinus: The Science of Reincarnation

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

The Science of Reincarnation

For nearly 15 years Jim B. Tucker, associate psychiatry professor at the UVA Medical Center's Division of Perceptual Studies, has been investigating claims made by children, usually between the ages of 2 and 6 years old, who say they've had past lives.The children are sometimes able to provide enough detail about those lives that their stories can be traced back to an actual person—rarely famous and often entirely unknown to the family—who died years before.


Mongoose: Earth Now Has a Planetary Defense Officer — at NASA

Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government

Only against cosmic threats, not self-immolation.

How NASA’s planetary defense officer will protect Earth from asteroids

The job description for planetary defense officer, the official title for the head of NASA’s newly formed Planetary Defense Coordination Office, essentially boils down to this: Protect the planet from collisions with a near-Earth object such as an asteroid or comet.

Sepp Hasslberger: Alien Life (City Lights) on Ceres? Will Obama Disclose ETs Before January 2017?

Extraterrestial Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

It is intriguing to see lights on a small planet that can't be explained. Are we looking at a settlement, a city of non human origin?

Alien Life on Ceres: New evidence points towards intelligent life on the dwarf planet

But if the pyramid-shaped structures and huge bright lights that resemble a city aren’t enough, Ceres has more to offer. According to scientists, the dwarf planet is split into a rocky core and an icy mantle and is believed to have an internal ocean of LIQUID WATER under its thick coating of ice.

Continue reading “Sepp Hasslberger: Alien Life (City Lights) on Ceres? Will Obama Disclose ETs Before January 2017?”

Sepp Hasslberger: Electric Plasma Universe

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

On the way to acceptance – an electromagnetic, rather than relativistic, view of the universe.

Electric Plasma Universe Arrives

Plasmas are the ultimate stardust from which the visible universe of stars and planets (and their living inhabitants), galaxies and supergalaxies (clusters, walls, and networks of galaxies) are created. The creation of stars and galaxies are often highly energetic, sometimes explosive events associated with massive electrical discharges, releasing the energy stored in stellar, galactic, and supergalactic electric plasma circuits. Hence plasmas are also the main engine of creation in the Plasma Universe.