Paul Krumm: Democratic moral money

03 Economy, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Paul Krumm

Moral Money: Commons Money that Works for Us, Not Us Working for It

We have to realize that we are all enmeshed in the present money system, which makes it difficult to see it as it is.  Because those of us who are not on the edge also benefit, through investments and unearned income, its structure is justified in our minds.  Let the reader beware.  The present analysis gores sacred cows.

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Berto Jongman: Noosphere & Russia

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Putin's New Chief of Staff Claims He Invented the ‘Nooscope' to Study the Collective Consciousness

An “A. Vaino” is listed as the co-author of an article entitled, “Capitalization of the Future,” published in 2012 by a Russian academic journal, Questions of Economics & Law. The vague title sets up the strange pseudo-scientific text that follows in an almost impenetrable blend of quasi-mystical language and academic jargon, mish-mashing contemporary economic concerns with transcendental philosophy and promises to be able to read the “code of the market” and describe a new way of being, made possible by the authors' creation — the Nooscope.

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Jean Lievens: Tamara Vision for a Culture without Fear – Dreaming Beyond Capitalism

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Dreaming Beyond Capitalism: A Culture Without Fear

First Nation tribes from North America coined a term to describe the ‘disease of the white man’ – wetiko. In their understanding, wetiko consists of two essential characteristics: chronic inability for empathy and an egoistic fixation on ones own personal benefit and profit. The First Peoples used this word specifically because they could not fathom any other explanation for the behavior of the European colonialists. While often declared as unchangeable psychological features of humanity, greed, selfishness and violent impulses may in fact not be our “human nature” as many claim, but rather the outcome of our alienation under capitalist conditions.

Michel Bauwens: Transition Proposals Towards a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Transition Proposals Towards a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society

In the context of the Ecuadorian transition project towards a open commons-based knowledge society, see, and to complement the prior analysis of three competing economic models in the age of peer production, I have formulated some transition proposals, on how to get from Phase 2, emerging peer production in the context of the dominance of cognitive and financial capitalism, to Phase 3, a mature peer production economy associated with a ethical economy and a partner state.

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Jan H. Kalvik: Steele Goes Nordic

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Jan Helge Kalvik
Jan Helge Kalvik

Steele Goes Nordic

Robert David Steele will be visiting Oslo 17-18 April for several private appointments, and then visit Copenhagen 19-21 April, where he has been invited to lecture on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to military, police, and national intelligence officers.

By Jan H. Kalvik, Editor-in-Chief
Defence and Intelligence Norway

Read original story online safety copy below the fold.

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Michel Bauwens: P2P, the Commons, and Civil Renewal

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Video Interview in Eleven Parts

01 – genesis of the P2P Foundation
02 – what are the commons?
03 – Old Vs New
04 – constitutionalism from below
05 – civil renewal
06 – why can't we work together?
07 – democratization of culture & education
08 – Us and them vs mutualization
09 – localised production and the future of community
10 – from disintermediation to reintermediation
11 – mindfulness and the commons