Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: At Today’s New Moon Portal, the Staff of Oppression Has Been Laid Down!

Answers, Cultural Intelligence

The Shift Happened on April 11, 2021

From my perspective: Yesterday I experienced the most powerful planetary shift in my whole career as the captain of the PAT and the driving force of all planetary ascensions as described by the Elohim in the article which I have just translated and published in German and Italian language.

Read full article HERE


Matt Ehret: The Plasma Universe and Max Planck’s Musical Space-Time Revisited

Civil Society, Peace Intelligence


Near the end of 2019, signals arrived to Earth from the Voyager 2 spacecraft which have shaken the foundations of modern physics, and brought into question what are the forces and principles shaping the space time of stars within galaxies (and implicitly galaxies within clusters of galaxies). The data which NASA scientists received from Voyager 2 have catapulted mankind’s ability to finally answer the old question of “what is in the “space” between stars or even between galaxies within our universe? As Voyager Project scientist Ed Stone stated:

“The Voyager probes are showing us how our sun interacts with the stuff that fills most of the space between stars in the milky way Galaxy.”

See full article HERE



Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Berto Jongman


WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Intelligence Council (NIC) today released the seventh edition of its quadrennial Global Trends report. Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World is an unclassified assessment of the forces and dynamics that the NIC anticipates are likely to shape the national security environment over the next 20 years.

Read full article HERE

Sidney Powell: Don’t Give Up Good Stuff Coming Soon

Cultural Intelligence

Dear Fellow Patriots,

We write to you today to talk about the freedoms granted to us by the United States Constitution. We are close to losing our unique country as it was founded.

We are still hopeful we can gain it back.

You have shown interest and support in the work and effort of Sidney Powell and Defending The Republic, in proving election fraud in the 2020 election. Thank you for that. You have no idea what your continued support, emails, cards, letters, and prayers have meant to Sidney personally and now to her team.

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J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #1 71 Years Ago April 8th

Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Not many Americans know that Thursday, April 8th will be the 71st anniversary of the first loss of life for the Americans during the Cold War. It was the shootdown of a Navy surveillance plane off the coast of Latvia.
As many readers know I was the President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Latvia and a real-estate investor. My partners and I had renovated the largest building of its type in the 3 Baltic states known as Jacob’s Barracks Link. It was a 200 yard long 1750’s military barracks originally ordered built by Peter the Great, Czar of Russia. I became the landlord of the American & Italian Ambassadors Residence, and the European Commission and Royal Netherlands Embassies.

Continue reading “J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – April 2021 #1 71 Years Ago April 8th”

The Steele Report: For Public Conversation

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

I have decided to make this one issue of The Steele Report ($11/month) public because it bears on the national conversation we need to have about Constitutional Counties and evidence-based public decision-making. The 1% — and their DNC and GOP toadies — have sold us out. The secret intelligence community less NSA — and DOJ and the FBI particularly — have sold us out. It is my intent to end all political campaign funding until such time as #UNRIG Election Reform Act is passed at both the federal level and across all 50 state legislatures. Then we can apply holistic analytics, true cost economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) toward localization instead of globalization — Constitutional Counties with CountyCoin and CountyWeb, nurturing bottom-up Faith, Family, & Freedom rooted in individual health & mental sovereignty.

Continue reading “The Steele Report: For Public Conversation”