Jack Mullen: US Christian Zionists Warning Notice — Zionism Makes Christianity ILLEGAL!

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


An Iron Curtain around Free Speech in the United States is being constructed piecemeal as States legislate unconstitutional laws claiming to target “Anti-Semitism.” These ‘laws' define criticism of Israel, Zionism, Jewish influence in America, Jewish domination of the media and other industry, Jewish dual loyalty questions,Judaism, the Talmud and other points of  public discussion about Jewry,(formerly known as the Jewish Question,) or the political agenda of Zionism as a crime punishable under current racial discrimination law and/or newly created Hate Crime color of law.

Could America become an environment as hostile as ancient Israel, imprisoning or even eventually killing those who criticize the Jews? We are moving rapidly in that direction. ADL's federal hate crimes bill, recently passed by the US House and Senate, is designed to transform America into a speech crimes tyranny just like ancient Israel under its most oppressive leadership. Paster Ted Pike

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J. C. Cole American Gray Swans 29 May 2019

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

13 American Gray Swans – Week 21 – Martin Tower

Sunday May 19th 2019 the icon of Bethlehem Steel –  Martin Tower  – was taken down by controlled demolition.

For those living in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, and especially those that went to Lehigh University or Moravian College in Bethlehem it seemed like the end of an era. Bethlehem Steel was at one time the 2nd largest steel maker in the world, the largest ship maker in America, and the 14th largest industrial company in the country.

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Robert Steele: True Cost of War a Hot Topic Within Pentagon? Plus 5 Steps to Peace with Iran and More Politico Idiocy on North Korea

Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

As Theresa May loses battle of Britain, West Coast oligarchs sue for peace

ROBERT STEELE: Benjamin Fulford's weekly report, a $11/month subscription, is absolutely recommended to one and all. This week's report sets the stage for multiple announcements by the President between now and the 4th of July, when he will start campaigning in earnest.

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