Valerie Bugault : French Public Support of President Donald Trump

Peace Intelligence

A French support committee to the re-election of Donald Trump

The re-election of President Trump is of vital interest to peace in Europe and the world.

Donald Trump is indeed the first President of the United States since 1988 to have undertaken no war, neither in Europe nor in the Middle East or elsewhere, while his immediate predecessors have raised no less than eight, including four for the only Obama.

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The Saker: Matthew Ehret on Unipolar Mulitpolar Russia Good UK Bad US Navy Insane

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Unipolar vs Multipolar: The Death of McKinley and the Loss of America’s Soul

Phi Beta Iota: This is one of the most brilliant capstone think pieces we have had an opportunity to embrace in recent years. The juxtapositions the author draws are  of grand strategic importance. Three graphics below.

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Tom Atlee: Generating Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Everyone

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Generating Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Everyone

I share with you three seemingly unrelated things that actually have everything to do with each other and all of which I ran across in the last few days: An innovative Citizens Assembly, an interview with the creator of Dynamic Facilitation, and the most articulate description of profound empathy I’ve ever seen. They all point to the intersection of peace and democracy, both of which, in their ideal forms, involve people in co-creating good things together – something I wrote about thirteen years ago as a peace activist getting into democracy activism. Getting into the nitty-gritty of what’s needed for “peace on earth, goodwill towards each other” seems appropriate for this holiday season, especially after the surreal year we’ve just lived through together.

Read full offering with links.

Robert Steele: Email to a Colleague . . .

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

REDACTED (USAF Aviator Call Sign),

It is quite nice to have an email from you this morning. I am worried but hopeful. All my weak signals suggest Trump triumphs in the House with 38 votes out of 50 up from 27. Unlike 2016 when Senators refused to support Democratic challenges to state electors for Trump, we now have Rand Paul and Ted Cruz on strip alert to do precisely that — and dueling electors from the swing states, see the map at the top of

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Memorandum for the President #6: $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth Immediately Confiscatable from Wall Street FINAL

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

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Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion from Wall Street

29 December 2020

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