Who is Really President?


Author:  Martin Armstrong

The latest polls show that 47% of Americans believe that others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. I would honestly say it is more like 85%. People wrongly believe that being president means you are really in charge. That is such a fallacy it is laughable. That was the problem with Trump. He was firing people left and right when he first took office because he discovered that they had surrounded him with people who had no idea that he expected to be a real president as if he was running a corporation. That is not the way Washington runs.

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The Biden-Noem Smackdown: “Imposter” Joe Meets Kristi “The Lionhearted”


Author:  Mike Whitney

Did you catch Biden’s speech on Thursday?

I did. I foolishly thought Biden would use the opportunity to address the 90 million-or-so Americans who think the election was stolen and that Biden is not really the president. But, no, the niggling issue of “legitimacy” never even came up, nor did any of the ten other top issues that Americans care about most. 

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