Eagle: Police in Pittsburg Storm House Over Uncut Grass

07 Other Atrocities, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

More low-rent police terrorism.  They mean well, they are simply stupid and over-empowered by the militarization of the domestic police function.  The bond with society has been broken — this calls into question the legitimacy of the police and the government they represent.

Published on Jun 21, 2013

TURTLE CREEK, PA — Police came barging into a woman's home because they wanted to arrest the owner for the length of her lawn. A tenant, Robyn Ruckman, recorded the encounter. As she answered the door, police treated her rudely and started making demands. She told them her name but that wasn't good enough. They wanted her to produce ID.   https://www.facebook.com/PoliceStateUSA

After asking them to stay outside, police and health inspectors barged into her home.  “You know, I don't even see a nametag,” Ruckman told the officer.  “I don't give a sh*t what you see. Go get your ID. You see that?! It says POLICE.”   Police were performing a 12-hour roundup of the town's offenders, including the horrendous crimes of having uncut grass. The Lawn Nazis took care of business that day, and the streets were safe once again. Robyn Ruckman got off easy that day, as she was not the landlord. It was the owner of the long grass that was to be put behind bars.  SOURCE:  http://www.wtae.com/news/local/allegh…

Eagle: Police Murder 95-Year Old WWII War Hero — Wobbly, in a Home, They Taser Him and Then Shoot Him in Stomach with a Shotgun Beanbag

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

The police are out of control.  These two “officers” should hang.  This is what the criminally insane 9/11 DHS “lies for empire” and printed money mind-set have accomplished.  The militarization of the police — intellectually and morally limited to begin with — has destroyed the social contract between the community and its so-called goverance forces.

Die for your country! Or they’ll do it for you!

95-year-old veteran John Wrana fought for America in World War 2, but he didn’t get a chance to die for his country. Instead, his country killed him with a beanbag shotgun blast to the stomach after a thorough tasering.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

The incident began after Wrana, who uses a walker, refused a surgery at his assisted living home. He grew agitated at the staff for pressuring him for medical attention. He was a war hero and didn’t like being pushed around.

Soon the police arrived to subdue the senior citizen, riot gear at the ready to take on the wobbly old man. Conflicting reports have emerged between officers and staff, with the employees of the home reporting that they asked officers not to harm him and requested to intervene.

Police decided instead to taser the war hero and follow it up with a beanbag to the guts. Officers reported that a knife had been pulled, but no knife was found on the scene. The police used a riot shield, shotgun and taser on a 95-year-old man in a walker who arguably presented no threat to anyone but himself.

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Mini-Me: Is Michael Scheuer A Jesuit Agent of Influence?

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Earthlinggb's Blog


Hot on the heels of my last blogpost “Israel: The contrarian agenda” comes this. Michael Scheuer – the ex CIA man who is throwing his word around the world on media and at International book festivals as if he is some “guru” of the Intelligence world – which, being ex CIA, I guess he has the right to think so.


2. Michael Scheuer is a jesuit

Scheuer was born in Buffalo and graduated from Canisius College in 1974, and went on to earn an M.A. from Niagara University in 1976 and another M.A. from Carleton University in 1982. He also received a Ph.D. in British Empire-U.S.-Canada-U.K. relations from the University of Manitoba in 1986.

Read full post.

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Is Michael Scheuer A Jesuit Agent of Influence?”

Mini-Me: WARNING NOTICE — Do Not Repeat Do Not Google for Pressure Cookers and Backpacks

Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Family Visited By Cops After Googling Pressure Cookers, Backpacks: Report

Melissa Jeitsen

The Huffington Post, 08/01/2013

According to one family, a confluence of run-of-the-mill Google searches led to an unwelcome visit by police.

Michele Catalano, a professional writer, describes what happened in a blog post on Thursday. According to her retelling, on Wednesday morning, six men identifying themselves as being from a “joint terrorism task force” showed up at her Long Island home. She believes Google searches by herself, her husband and her son raised red flags.

Read full article.


NY man questioned for ‘pressure cooker bombs' web search history

See Also:

DefDog: Three Pounds of Firecracker Powder for Boston Bombing? Updated with EOD “No Way, Jose”

Mini-Me: Pressure Bombs Generally Kill & Maim Very Few…Graphic & Slide Show of Bomb Parts, Photos of TSA Culprits?

Rickard Falkvinge: UK To Treat Political Speech as Pornogrpahy

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement

Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

UK Net Porn Censorship Will Also Censor Political Speech – From Day One

Repression:  A proposed pornography-censorship scheme in the United Kingdom is going to censor political speech from day one. There is pressure from the UK Government on UK Internet Service Providers to introduce “default voluntary censorship”, which is supposed to get at “pornography”. This is a covert way of making censorship acceptable and even desirable, “for the children”, but the censorship will cover much more than that.

. . . . . . .

Naked Censorship
Naked Censorship

We arrive at the important conclusion that censorship is incapable of telling the difference between political contexts and purely pornographic ones. Even if you think the latter is okay to banish from the planet, political discussion is never – never, ever under any circumstance – okay to censor.

The conclusion is inevitable: censorship is not acceptable in any way, shape or form. But those of us who have studied history of power already knew that.

SchwartzReport: Federal Judge Owned by Catholic Church?

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement

schwartz reportThis is an amazing court decision, with enormous implications not only for Catholics, but for religious groups in general. It is hard to believe a court could rule in this way, or that this will not be overturned.

Federal Judge: Catholic Church Has A Constitutional Right Not To Compensate Victims Of Sex Abuse
IAN MILLHISER – Think Progress

A federal judge in Wisconsin handed down an opinion yesterday granting the Catholic Church – and indeed, potentially all religious institutions – such sweeping immunity from federal bankruptcy law that it is not clear that it would permit any plaintiff to successfully sue any church in any court. While the ostensible issue in this case is whether over $50 million in church funds are shielded from a bankruptcy proceeding triggered largely by a flood of clerical sex abuse claims against the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Judge Rudolph Randa reads the church’s constitutional and legal right to religious liberty so broadly as to render religious institutions immune from much of the law.

SchwartzReport: Bad Bees, Ugly Death of Full-Time Jobs, Worse Who We At War With? Classified! End of America: Federal Order for Password Files

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement


Here is the latest on the plight of the bees. The headline says it all.

Scientists Discover What’s Killing the Bees and It’s Worse Than You Thought


The income of the average American family is nine per cent lower than it was a decade ago, and it gets harder and harder to get a job. And now this survey showing that young adults, even when they have some work, are working full-time jobs less and less.

In U.S., Fewer Young Adults Holding Full-Time Jobs in 2013
DENNIS JACOBE, Chief Economist – The Gallup Organization



We have reached the Orwellian state of continuous war. Who are we fighting? That's a secret. You are required to pay for it, but you are not entitled to know.

Who Are We at War With? That’s Classified


Here is the latest on the American police state. If you think anything you do is private you live in a fantasy.

Feds Tell Web Firms to Turn Over User Account Passwords
DECLAN MCCULLAGH, Chief Political Correspondent – C|NET