Yoda: Updated: Trump/Qanon And The Plan To Free Us All!! Putting The Pieces Together!

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

Updated: Trump/Qanon And The Plan To Free Us All!! Putting The Pieces Together!

The Q Plan to is unfolding. The pieces are coming together daily. The Q posts are lining up. We are in the nexus of events and are charting our future together. This is The Plan as it is happening!

** BEST CURRENT INTEL DROPS FROM: https://t.me/Whiplash347

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DefDog: Pennsylvania Legislators Travel to Arizona to Observe Election Audit

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

Pennsylvania Legislators Travel to Arizona to Observe Election Audit

A delegation from Pennsylvania is set on Wednesday to tour the audit taking place in Arizona’s largest county.

The delegation will visit the Arizona Capitol to meet with members of the Arizona Legislature before touring the audit at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.

“I kind of see this as a fact-finding mission to see what’s happening on the ground in Arizona,” Pennsylvania state Rep. Rob Kauffman told The Epoch Times.

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Matthew Ehret: From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari: The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari: The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism
As I outlined in my previous article on the Clash of the Two Systems, the end of the 19th century saw a major clash between two opposing paradigms of political economy which has largely been scrubbed out of history books.

Just like today, the two opposing systems were characterized on the one hand, by a demand for centralized control of the world by a unipolar elite yearning to stand above the influence of sovereign nation states like modern gods of Olympus, while the other was premised on a “multipolar” design of a community of sovereign nation states working together on large scale infrastructure and technological progress. One was premised on closed system Malthusian economic standards of adapting to diminishing returns while the other was founded upon standards of ongoing scientific progress generating creative leaps out of the constraints of limited resource baskets.

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Caitlin Johnstone: The Screams Of A Dying Empire: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence

The Screams Of A Dying Empire: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Some want to dismantle the imperial slaughter machine and create a harmonious world; others just want the imperial slaughter machine to give them healthcare. These are two entirely different positions. It’s not strange that these factions feud—it would be strange if they didn’t.

US progressives who smear The Grayzone and other anti-imperialist media never have any other equally anti-imperialist media that they promote and uphold as good. This is because they are imperialists.

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DefDog: 6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020 – Medical Kidnap

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020 – Medical Kidnap

As can be expected when new experimental “vaccines” that are not approved by the FDA are given emergency use authorization to fight a “pandemic” that is now over a year old, reported deaths following the injections of these shots have now skyrocketed in the U.S. population by over 6000% here at the end of the first quarter of 2021, as compared to recorded deaths following FDA-approved vaccines at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

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Mongoose: Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”
First published by Global Research on September 24, 2020, this analysis of former Pfizer V-P Michael Yeadon has been the object of censorship.

In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.”

The “Big Pharma” insider asserts that false positive results from inherently unreliable COVID tests are being used to manufacture a “second wave” based on “new cases.” Continue reading “Mongoose: Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over””