Marcus Aurelius: Top Polygrapher Caught Selling Secrets to Singapore….Proxy for China?

Corruption, Government
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

A little irony here — one of USG's premier spycatchers accused of committing espionage by flogging info about polygraph TTP and vulnerabilities.

Senior Official at Federal Polygraph School Accused of Espionage

Scott W. Carmichael, a recently retired counterintelligence investigator with the Defense Intelligence Agency, has accused Donald Krapohl, Special Assistant to the Chief, National Center for Credibility Assessment (NCCA) and longtime editor of the American Polygraph Association quarterly, Polygraph, of violating the Espionage Act of 1917. In an e-mail message to retired FBI polygraph examiner Robert Drdak dated 3 September 2014, a copy of which was received by, Carmichael alleges that Krapohl manipulated Drdak in an elaborate scheme to funnel classified information about polygraph countermeasures to the government of Singapore.

Carmichael theorizes that Krapohl encouraged Drdak to write a paper on polygraph countermeasures that was ultimately based on a classified study conducted in 1994 by Dr. Gordon H. Barland, then a researcher with the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (now the NCCA), and to sell that paper to the Lafayette Instrument Company, knowing that the information in the paper would make its way to the Singaporean government.

Carmichael concludes his e-mail by urging Drdak to “[call] the FBI before they begin to look at you as a suspect.”

Carmichael played a key role in the investigation of Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes (who incidentally beat the polygraph), about which he has authored a book, True Believer.

The full text of Carmichael’s e-mail to retired FBI polygraph examiner Robert Drdak (with one redaction) follows:


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CDC Ebola Guidance Doesn’t Add Up

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude

From an expert observer upset with CDC's betrayal of the public trust. We believe the US Government should nationalize the patents on Ebola, and radically over-haul CDC as well. The nationalization of the atomic bomb patents provides a precedent.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines published for health care professionals attending to an Ebola, or suspected Ebola, patient, in a hospital or other healthcare setting, recommends a minimum of an N-95 mask during aerosol generating procedures [emphasis added] such as intubation.This recommendation may be dangerously inadequate and raises the specter of not only recklessly endangering health care workers, but also the public at large, undermining confidence in the health care system.

In the 24 hours since I wrote that opening paragraph, and submitted the first version of this article for publication, the Washington Post reported that a health care worker who attended to the Ebola patient in Dallas has since tested positive for Ebola. As further indictment of the dangerous insufficiency of the CDC guidelines, the article had this to say:

Continue reading “CDC Ebola Guidance Doesn't Add Up”

Berto Jongman: Harry Bentham on Google’s Betrayal (and Hypocrisy…)

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Google’s Cold Betrayal of the Internet

Harry J. Bentham

IEET, 10 October 2014

Google Inc.’s 2013 book The New Digital Age, authored by Google chairman Eric Schmidt and Google Ideas director Jared Cohen, was showered with praise by many, but attacked in a review by Julian Assange for the New York Times, where it is described as a “love song” from Google to the US state. Also addressed in Assange’s subsequent book When Google Met WikiLeaks, Google’s book makes an unconvincing effort to depict the internet as a double-edged sword, both empowering (p. 6) and threatening our lives (p. 7).

The popular internet, Google argues, might help defeat the US’s “authoritarian” opponents, but also threatens to aid “terrorism” (p. 9) (Google’s word for cypherpunks and anti-statists) against the US itself. Thus, Google argues, the internet is potentially disruptive and harmful to US national security priorities – as is the possibility of individuals being personally empowered by technology. Google laments the “anarchy” being caused by the “agents of chaos”: generations of tech-savvy individuals armed with modern personal technologies (p. 46-47, 59, 207-208). Anonymous and other clans of hackers, we are told, “might as well be terrorists” (p. 151-182).

This is fairly consistent with the ideas of former President George W. Bush, who famously warned graduates at West Point that the gravest danger to the United States is “at the crossroads of radicalism and technology.” This point of view, alongside its knuckle-dragging obsession with defeating “rogue states” and “terrorists”, places Google’s apparent value-system unambiguously within the neoconservative ideological camp. The case for “guiding” the path of the internet (p. 11, 36-39), in particular, sounds equally shy and unsustainable as the authoritarian regimes (p. 6) Google claims to oppose.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Harry Bentham on Google's Betrayal (and Hypocrisy…)”

SchwartzReport: California Aquifers Contaminated with Billions of Gallons of Fracking Toxic Waste

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

If you still have any question as to whether the health of the population takes precedence over oil company profits this report on the situation in California should settle it. Profit is much more important than the health of families particularly children. That this is happening in a state with the drought problems California has is all the more amazing.

Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater

After California state regulators shut down 11 fracking wastewater injection wells last July over concerns that the wastewater might have contaminated aquifers used for drinking water and farm irrigation, the EPA ordered a report within 60 days.

It was revealed yesterday that the California State Water Resources Board has sent a letter to the EPA confirming that at least nine of those sites were in fact dumping wastewater contaminated with fracking fluids and other pollutants into aquifers protected by state law and the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.

The letter, a copy of which was obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity, reveals that nearly 3 billion gallons of wastewater were illegally injected into central California aquifers and that half of the water samples collected at the 8 water supply wells tested near the injection sites have high levels of dangerous chemicals such as arsenic, a known carcinogen that can also weaken the human immune system, and thallium, a toxin used in rat poison.

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: Kill the Messenger Movie, Gary Webb Interviews, CIA Drug Business Back in the News

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut(YouTube)

The original Dark Alliance web portal (Narco News mirror/re-upload)

Book: Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (Amazon)

Video: Gary Webb on C.I.A. Trafficking of Cocaine (8:08, Gary Webb speaks; a GNN/Narco News collab)

Interviews with Gary Webb (TruthDig)

Gary Webb YouTube search (interviews, TV appearances with Mike Levine)

Jeff Cohen on the Movie Kill the Messenger

Movie Kill the Messenger (YouTube Trailer)

Movie Kill the Messenger (Web Listings)

News: Gary Webb CIA Dark Alliance

Also See:
+ William “Tosh” Plumlee interview “I ran drugs for Uncle Sam.”
+ Kill The Messenger: Mike Levine & Gary Webb – The Big White Lie + Dark Alliance = CIA drug cartel
+ Freeway Ricky Ross lecture
+ Freeway Ricky Ross search on YouTube
+ Freeway Rick Ross: The Untold Autobiography (Amazon)

Stephen E. Arnold: Robot Writers Flood the Web

Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Robot Writers Flood the Web

If you are reading this, it is likely that you look to the Internet for bit of news that inform your opinion on trends, technology, news stories, and the like. And most would assume that those stories and articles are crafted by humans who have an interest and experience in the field, just as this one is. But alas, we would all be wrong to believe that assumption. Robot writers are a growing proportion of the field. Read the details in the Contently article, “Does Your Brand Newsroom Need a Robot Writer?

The article begins:

“If you’ve spent any time reading on the web the past week, odds are you’ve read something written by a robot—and you didn’t even realize it. Robot writers are algorithms that collect and analyze data and then turn them into readable narratives. Many news sites like the Los Angeles Times and Forbes are already using them. Even Wikipedia has articles that weren’t written by humans.”

It is not surprising that automation has invaded the world of writing, but the jury is still out as to whether the quality is acceptable. But this also poses a question about cultural expectations regarding the quality of writing, particularly on Web outlets. See if you can spot the difference between articles crafted by human experts versus those written by a robot.

Emily Rae Aldridge, October 10, 2014

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Mongoose: CDC – Treason for Profit via Ebola?

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, DHS, Government, Officers Call

NIH: “We May Have to Vaccinate Whole Countries to Stop Ebola Outbreak”


Dave Hodges , over at The Common Sense Show, has already penned an article demonstrating how the CDC has positioned themselves to profit financially should Ebola spread throughout the U.S.:

The CDC has ulterior motives in the diagnosing and subsequent treatment of Ebola. First of all, the CDC is traded on Dunn and Bradstreet. This fact makes the CDC a for profit corporation. Secondly, and as I have pointed out before, the CDC owns the patent on Ebola and all variances up to 70% of the variance. This means that because the CDC owns Ebola, they will receive a royalty every time a treatment is provided because of the alteration of their intellectual property rights.

These two facts mean that if the CDC moved to block the spread of Ebola, they would cut into their profit motive. On this point, there can be no argument. Are we supposed the humanitarian nature that the CDC would forgo their profit motive in order to serve the public good? Should we trust the CDC? What are the implications?

That might explain why the CDC is so against banning air travel from West Africa and even continues to change its basic stance on how the virus is even spread .

Read full article with additional links.

See Especially:

Owl: Manufactured Ebola Crisis — the Three Benefits for the 1% of a Biological 9/11

See Also:

Ebola @ Phi Beta Iota