YouTube Defames Robert David Steele, Commits Tortious Interfernce, and Violates 1st Amendment, Title VII, and Communications Decency Act — While Insisting on Right to Tell Its Own Lies About Fake Pandemic & Election 2020

Commerce, Corruption

YouTube's three strikes against me consisted of two RETROACTIVE strikes for content long standing at YouTube, and my OFFICIAL TESTIMONY to an international commission never mind that YouTube ignored the exact same script in my rehearsal video posted several days prior to the official testimony.

I anticipate both a federal lawsuit and RICO action against #GoogleGestapo, and a joining of multiple class action lawsuits against YouTube, Twitter, Google, and Facebook in particular, although I also want to see MeetUp held accountable.  The common player in all of these is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an unregistered agent of a foreign power; the ADL is also itself engaged in trillion dollar charity fraud, election fraud, bribery, blackmail, and other crimes across the USA.

If we can show conspiracy, that is triple damages.  Lots of billable hours here for Brendan “Potted Plant” Sullivan, one of my favorite lawyers who represents evil — an Alan Dershowtiz with class and clean teeth.  Go Brendan Go!

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Video (58:00) Del Bigtree and David Martin on Fake Pandemic & Patents Including Fake Patents & Contrived Panic to Monetize Fake Vaccine

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government


As the leading voice in one of the most controversial and censored documentaries on the internet, David Martin, PhD, joins Del to discuss how his expertise in global finance played a unique part in understanding the illegality regarding the coronavirus patent, and debunking the debunkers.