Stephen E. Arnold: Micosoft Azure Better Than Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Robert Steele: Amazon Will Lose the Lawsuit

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Azure Is Better at Hybrid Computing Because AWS Is an Orchid

There’s an interesting explanation of the DoD’s JEDI award in “Opinion: Microsoft Fairly and Squarely Beat Amazon in $10 Billion Pentagon Cloud Contract.” The reason is:

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Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Fraud Detection – Policeware

Advanced Cyber/IO
Stephen E. Arnold

Amazon Fraud Detector: Policeware Service?

The camel is poking its nose into another tent. Navigate to “Amazon Fraud Detector.” The service makes it easy to identify potentially fraudulent online activities. The service seems to focus on a commercial use case. There may be a government or public sector application or two enabled as well. Which is more important? Both are equally important.

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Berto Jongman: Artificial Intelligence Index, Arms Race

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

Reflections on the recently launched Global AI Index, by Tortoise

The AI arms race: A groundbreaking new index ranking 54 countries

Phi Beta Iota: Publics and Governments are rashly avoiding consideration of the dangers inherent in AI — we still do not document normal code, AI is an order of magnitude more complex and will fail in complex ways. The best modern expression of concern was recently delivered by the UK PM to the UN, where he was not taken seriously by most, but should have been.