Robert Steele: Open Letter to the President — Losing Base, On Probation — Time to Control Baseball Bats?

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
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Mr. President,

I just finished an interview with a major Christian network and the consensus is that you have lost a third of your base and this gun control idiocy is making Sanders-Gabbard look good in some circles — a travesty all its own.

Take your YADA YADA YADA to the next level. Here's your next press release:

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SPECIAL: Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 43 – Ben Garrison Disinvited from the White House

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Impotency, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Zionist Strike 43: Controlling White House, Disinviting Ben Garrison

The Zionists (the genocidal apartheid criminal invented state of Israel and its unregistered agents in the USA including AIPAC and ADL — not to be confused with Jews who uphold the Constitution) are clearly in control of the White House.

We need a national “teach-in” on this distinction, because the stupidity on the White House staff and everywhere else has now reached pandemic proportions.

Below are some headlines about their latest intervention in US affairs, the exclusion of one of America's greatest cartoonists, Ben Garrison.

This is going to cost the President a portion of his base.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 43 – Ben Garrison Disinvited from the White House”