1993 Whitney-Smith Toward An Epistemology of Peace

Historic Contributions, Peace Intelligence
Epistemology for Peace
Epistemology for Peace

We've lost touch with this visionary, but our current work on datqa pathologies and information asymmetries bear out the view of Gandhi and so many others–there is plenty for all, but war is a racket, banks are legalized theft, and most governments are corrupt at all levels for lack of visionary ethical informed leaders as well as informed citizens devoted to preserving the commons for all.

Below is a second document that she provided for OSS ‘1993.

Analysis for Information Revolutions
Analysis for Information Revolutions

John Perry Barlow: Why Spy? (2002)

Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
John Perry Barlow

Why Spy?

John Perry Barlow

Forbes, 10.07.02

If the spooks can't analyze their own data, why call it intelligence?

For more than a year now, there has been a deluge of stories and op-ed pieces about the failure of the American intelligence community to detect or prevent the September 11, 2001, massacre. Nearly all of these accounts have expressed astonishment at the apparent incompetence of America's watchdogs.

I'm astonished that anyone's astonished.

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1993 Talking Points for the Director of Central Intelligence

Correspondence, Memoranda
DCI Talking Points
DCI Talking Points

This was faxed to John Deutch when he was DCI.  It probably made it to his desk only to be dismissed as it was not from anyone remotely associated with power or money.  This was the beginning of our realization, articulated in 1997 for the US Institute for Peace, that those with power know too little, and those with knowledge have no power.

Since then we have also determined that too many senior executives in both government and business leave the sorting of incoming mail to interns and the lowest paid receptionist–there is no “intelligence” at the front end of the enterprise that can identify and flag “weak signals.”

Even when writing to the top 2000 people in America across roughly 15 segments, we discovered that even the most sensible attempt to engage, absent a “hook” that is already entrenched, tends to fail.

DOC (9 Pages): 1993 Steele Fax to DCI John Deutch

Full Text Below the Fold

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