Berto Jongman: China Pandemic — Thousands of Dead Pigs in Rivers, Mutating Virus in Chickens, GMO Connection

01 Agriculture, 02 China, 07 Health, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Sorcha Faal is exaggerating again I think but the numbers are rising and the virus is spreading. It is a situation of great concern as the WHO has warned.I haven't heard a good explanation yet for the thousands of dead pigs floating in  Chinese rivers.

Phi Beta Iota:  Sorcha Fall (David Booth) is a known fabricator with a gift for connecting dots.  We think of his stuff as good musical background to ethical evidence-based thinking.

April 29, 2013

World Terror After Armageddon Virus Unleashed

A grim report prepared for President Putin by Health Minister Dr. Veronika Skvortsova on the growing pandemic in China is now warning that a “global mass death event” is currently underway as the spread of the H7N9 avian flu virus continues to grow and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Important to note, and as we had reported on in our 19 March report “China Genetic Test Causes Mass Death Catastrophe,” Health Minister Skvortsova warned of this coming mass death event from China by noting the genetic experiments being conducted by Chinese scientists last month that led to an animal apocalypse of staggering proportions. 

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Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP

02 China, 08 Wild Cards

2013-04-03  Applause for China-Africa cooperation (Zambia)

2012-09-18  In Africa’s warm heart, a cold welcome for Chinese (Malawi)

2012-09-03  China in Africa, a Sierra Leonean viewpoint

2012-07-04  Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty

2011-07-19  Cameron warns Africans over the ‘Chinese invasion' as they pour billions into continent

2008-09-28  PETER HITCHENS: How China has created a new slave empire in Africa

2008-07-18  How China's taking over Africa, and why the West should be VERY worried

2007-08-31  Why China is trying to colonise Africa

See Also:

Continue reading “Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP”

NIGHTWATCH: China Visits Russia, Both Tell US To Shut Up and Back Off — In Simpler Terms, Russia Owns the North, China Owns the South, India and Iran Are Contained

02 China, 06 Russia

china russia heartsChina-Russia: Xinhua published today a summary of President Xi Jinping's remarks for different audiences in Moscow.

“During talks with President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on Friday, Chinese President Xi stressed that China and Russia are each other's major and most important strategic cooperative partners, and both accord priority to deepening their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in their overall diplomatic agenda and foreign policy,” according to Xinhua.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

“When meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday, the Chinese leader said that in recent years, the China-Russia relationship has withstood the tests of changing international circumstances and made substantial progress.”

“He added that there is a greater need now for the two nations to deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination as the world has seen continuous profound changes.”

Xi told Medvedev the visit “far exceeded my expectations.” Chinese media reported President Xi is the first foreign leader allowed to visit the Russian Armed Forces Operational Command Center, according to China's Global Times.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: China Visits Russia, Both Tell US To Shut Up and Back Off — In Simpler Terms, Russia Owns the North, China Owns the South, India and Iran Are Contained”

NIGHTWATCH: China Downgrades North Korea on Oil & Militancy

02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, IO Deeds of Peace, Peace Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

China-North Korea: China did not export any crude oil to North Korea in February, Reuters reported, citing customs data. It marks the first time since early 2007 that no deliveries were made.

Comment: China exports crude by means of a pipeline to North Korea's west coast refinery at Sinuiju. The pipeline has a throughput capacity of 1 million tons per year, but in the past few years it has carried about 500,000 tons, or just under 42,000 tons per month.

No other steady source of crude has been reported since before the end of the Warsaw Pact. Russian Far East companies send some crude to North Korea to have it refined at the east coast refinery and shipped back to the Far East, usually paying the North Koreans in kind.

The lack of Chinese crude supplies in February implies that North Korea has had to draw on fuel stocks to sustain the nationwide training. This is a chronic, strategic and systemic vulnerability of North Korea. China can make North Korea stop.

If China exports no crude in March, North Korean national readiness will have been degraded significantly because of the extra demands on supplies of food and fuel that are not being replaced. Whatever provocation North Korea plans must take place before the fuel runs low and the civilians begin to rebel or desert their mobilization stations. Contacts along the China border say the exercises will last until the US and South Korean exercises end.

China-North Korea: President Xi Jinping has sent a message to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un stressing that the two countries are “friendly neighbors,” according to the Korean Central News Agency on 21 March.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: China Downgrades North Korea on Oil & Militancy”

NIGHTWATCH: China Declares Peace with US, Taiwan, and the Region — The Chinese Dream is About Retrenchment & Revitalization

02 China, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

China: The National People's Congress ended on the 17th with a press conference by Premier Li Keqiang. Before the closing, however, President Xi Jinping delivered his first address to the Congress. The central theme was The Chinese Dream.

Eight of the 17 paragraphs of the text were devoted to, or carried forward the application of, the dream. One of them reiterated the guidance Xi gave to the People's Liberation Army delegates on the 11th: obey the party, win wars and behave well.

Xi introduced the dream immediately after four paragraphs of thanks and preamble. The concluding, sentence of the second paragraph of the introduction is significant.

“Today, our people's republic is standing on the East of the world with a spirited posture.”

Comment: The point is that Xi did not describe China's posture as rising, but as standing. The period of rising has ended.

After the fourth paragraph of introduction, Xi began the discussion and for the Chinese dream.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH: China Declares Peace with US, Taiwan, and the Region — The Chinese Dream is About Retrenchment & Revitalization”

Dolphin: Chinese Congress Puts Environment on the Table — Major Revolt within Congress, More Reforms Anticipated

02 China, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government

China People's Congress environment surprise

TIM PALMER: In China the fallout is still being felt from an open rebellion over air pollution at the country's annual session of parliament.

It was a dramatic shift for a Congress that's normally seen as no more than a rubber stamp.

Sensing a growing environmental crisis, a third of the delegates rejected a key anti-pollution measure.

Meanwhile China analysts are now expecting major economic reforms from the new administration in Beijing after premier Li Keqiang declared that more sections of the economy needed to be handed over to private enterprise.

China correspondent Stephen McDonell has been covering the closing stages of the National People's Congress in Beijing.

(Ceremonial music)

STEPHEN MCDONELL: China's annual session of parliament, the National People's Congress, has closed with plenty of big vision from the country's new generation of leaders.

Xi Jinping told some 3,000 delegates what an honour it was for him to be president and he was talking up the so-called “China dream”.

(Sound of Xi Jingping speaking)

“China is a great nation with great creativity,” he said, “We created this Chinese culture and we will be able to expand our path towards Chinese development.”

But a third of the delegates listening to him had just staged a large revolt on the floor of the Great Hall of the People over pollution.

When it came time to endorse the members of a key committee overseeing environmental protection and resource conservation, 850 delegates voted no and 120 abstained.

Read full article.

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NIGHTWATCH: Chinese Dream Centers on Rejuvenation Through Muscular Economic Renewal and Outreach, Disciplined and Powerful Military

02 China

China: During this Watch, Xi Jinping has been elected President of China.

Xinhua reported on 13 March that “The Chinese Dream” is a new hot topic among Chinese and has drawn international attention from scholars and foreign policy experts.

“China's new Communist Party leader Xi Jinping said during a museum tour last November the Chinese dream meant for him the ‘great renewal of the Chinese nation.' He has pledged to pursue the shared Chinese dream of national rejuvenation,” Xinhua reported.

Comment: For the benefit and support of the billion plus Chinese, sophisticated national strategies are always reduced to easy-to-remember slogans or motivational statements. This was a trait of Soviet communism. The North Koreans have refined it into something they consider an art form.

“The Chinese dream” is being introduced on the margins of the National People's Congress (NPC) as the new strategic concept that replaces “China's peaceful rise.”

Today's Wall Street Journal contains an insightful and detailed article on the background and some of the implications of the new strategic concept. The publicity it is receiving in Xinhua and on the web site of the NPC indicates “The Chinese Dream” is the concept that will guide Xi Jinping's tenure as Party General Secretary and President.

Comment: The Journal article establishes that idea of The Chinese Dream is not necessarily new and not only applicable to international affairs. It has many domestic implications as well.

What is new is that Xi appears to be making it the theme of his term of office. It implies that he and the collective leadership judge that the period of China's rise is over. They perceive a new situation.

This is a strategic inflection point for China. The rise will be replaced by pursuit of “The Chinese Dream” of national renewal or rejuvenation.

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