Mini-Me: Fears Grow of Big Tokyo Quake That (A) Blows Up the Spent Nuclear Fuel and (B) Brings Down Transportation, All Trapped in Tokyo … + RECAP

05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, Corruption, Government
Who? Mini-Me?


Fears Grow of Big Tokyo Quake

By Sam Eaton ⋅ May 4, 2012

Color-coded lines track seismic activity at Tokyo University’s Earthquake Research Center. The yellow and red clumps reveal a small quake in the Tokyo-area district of Tsukuba. (Photo: Sam Eaton)

In a quiet room at Tokyo University, seismologist Shinichi Sakai points to steady, color-coded lines on a digital monitor. The screen displays real-time readings from Japan’s extensive network of seismometers. This is one of the most seismically active countries in the world, and the flat lines show that all is quiet across the region, at least for the moment.

Then, as if on cue, two of the lines start to jump violently, splashing the screen with red and yellow pixels. They’re tracking a very small earthquake, centered just outside of Tokyo.

Sakai says small quakes like this happen about ten thousand times a year in Japan, and for geologists like him, even the small earthquakes are worth paying attention to. He says there’s been a fivefold increase in small tremors around Tokyo since the huge quake off Japan’s northeast coast in March of last year. And that adds up to a mathematical omen for scientists like him.

In January, Sakai and the University’s Earthquake Research Institute crunched the new numbers and came up with a shocking prediction: a 70-percent chance that a major earthquake would hit Tokyo within the next four years.

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John Steiner: Japan Going Nuke Free? Will US and China Follow?

05 Energy, Corruption, Government
John Steiner

Japan May Go Nuke-Free Tomorrow…But Will the US & China Follow?, May 3, 2012

Japan's one remaining operating reactor (of 54) may go dark tomorrow.  Japan would be nuke-free for the first time in a half-century.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is desperately trying to get Osaka's Mayor to allow the Ohi nuke to stay open.  But Japanese law gives local officials far more power over the reactor industry than in the US or China.  And the 42-year-old Toru Hashimoto, the son of a Yakuza gangster, is holding firm.  Now probably Japan's most popular politician, Hoshimoto has harshly criticized its nuclear industry for lying to the public and for causing the Fukushima catastrophe and then covering up its true impacts.
Japan has long been at the core of the global reactor business.  It manufactures pressure vessels, steam generators and much more of the serious hardware that comprises the world's atomic infrastructure.  Should it go totally post-nuclear, the symbolic as well as tangible impact would be huge.  Even Germany, which has announced its intent to go green, has a number of nukes still going.
Japan's top brass are desperately trying to persuade Hashimoto to give in.  We'll know tomorrow.
The last US nuke will not be shutting tomorrow, but the industry's death knell seems to be approaching faster every day.

Two reactors proposed for Florida will now, say its would-be builders, cost $24 billion or more…up from their original maximum guess of $4 billion each…far beyond comparable renewables and efficiency.

Two Georgia nukes still wanting tax-funded loan guarantees have been caught pouring faulty concrete and using non-design rebar steel.

Continue reading “John Steiner: Japan Going Nuke Free? Will US and China Follow?”

Chuck Spinney: US Senate Notices Next Atomic Disaster in Japan

05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Intelligence (government), IO Impotency
Chuck Spinney

Warning Signs for the US

Counterpunch, APRIL 24, 2012

In the aftermath of the world’s worst nuclear power disaster, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world posed by the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site are far from over.   After repeated warnings by former senior Japanese officials, nuclear experts, and now a U.S. Senator, it is sinking in that the irradiated nuclear fuel stored in spent fuel pools amidst the reactor ruins may have far greater potential offsite consequences  than the molten cores.

After visiting the site recently, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) wrote to Japan’s ambassador to the U.S. stating that, “loss of containment in any of these pools could result in an even greater release than the initial accident.”

This is why:

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  This is a classic illustration of how dangerously useless it is to have a massively expensive secret intelligence and “heavy metal” military, without capacity for global coverage, true cost economics, and so on.   Until governments make the shift toward future-oriented hybid governnance — embracing the core ideals of clarity, diversity, and integrity — it will not be possible to get a grip on the challenges and the possibilities facing the human species on Earth.  We have been here before: in the 1970's when Peak Oil, Peak Water, and AIDs were all briefed to the US Senate and to the White House.  The reality is that the corruption characteristic of those bodies then is still with us–there is only ONE serious approach to this and all other issues, and that is the creation of the World Brain and Global Game and a commensurate commitment to integrate true cost economics into every decision, and to make every decision as indigenous communities have done for thousands of years: future-oriented — Seventh Generation.

See Also:

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: US Senate Notices Next Atomic Disaster in Japan”

DefDog: Inevitable Collapse of “Smart Wireless” Energy Grid

05 Energy, 11 Society, IO Impotency

How much information will it take for someone to finally wake up?  Or is it really being used to open another cash cow, to rob the public, or to exert additional control over the population??????

Can we expect a cyber attack on the smart grid?

The vulnerability of the energy industry's new wireless smart grid will inevitably lead to lights out for everyone, according to leading cyber expert David Chalk. In an online interview for an upcoming documentary film entitled ‘Take Back Your Power', Chalk says the entire power grid will be at risk to being taken down by cyber attack, and if installations continue it's only a matter of time.

“We're in a state of crisis,” said Chalk. “The front door is open and there is no lock to be had. There is not a power meter or device on the grid that is protected from hacking – if not already infected – with some sort of trojan horse that can cause the grid to be shut down or completely annihilated.”

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  External attack is the least of our worries.  The absence of intelligence with integrity at the top of all of the major institutions–academia, civil society, commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-governmental/non-profit–means that we continue to do things that are unaffordable, unsustainable, and very often total betrayals of the public trust.

See Also:

1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security

DefDog: The infamous ‘take down the Internet in 30 minutes’ hearing from 1998 — Tens of Billions Later, NSA and OMB Have Not Done Their Jobs, US Cyber is Wide Open and Unsafe at Any Speed + Meta-RECAP

Graphic: Cyber-Threat 101

Michel Bauwens: Bill S. Arnaud on Why We Must Bypass Electrical Utilities If We Are to Build a Low Carbon Society

05 Energy, Advanced Cyber/IO, Earth Intelligence
Michel Bauwens

Why we need to bypass electrical utilities if we want to build a low carbon society

Excerpted from Bill St. Arnaud:

“I have long argued that we need to bypass electrical utilities if we want to build a low carbon society.

Utilities, even if they are publicly owned, have an inherent economic incentive to use cheap and dirty coal or gas, as they then earn the generating revenue. With distributed solar panels at homes and business the customer earns the revenue and the utility becomes a dumb pipe. Heard that argument before? Just as we had to bypass the telephone company to build the global Internet we will need to bypass the utilities to build the future Energy Internet.

Currently the entire electrical grid is built around an architecture of large centralized generating stations. A low carbon electrical grid will need an entire different architecture – and it already exists. It is called our roadway system. With electric vehicles we can use them as a store and forward packet technology to deliver renewable energy from roadside solar panels or windmills. Not only does this enable delivery of renewable energy to homes and businesses bypassing the utilities and existing electrical grid, it also provides a clean and efficient transportation system that complements our western lifestyle.”

For more details on the Energy Internet please see

Josh Kilbourn: Fukushima #4 Spent Fuel Rods + Earthquake = Nuclear Holocaust

03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Josh Kilbourn

Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 4: An earthquake before spent fuel rods are moved to safe storage would be “the end”

By Lambert Strether of Corrente.

Naked Capitalism, Saturday, April 14, 2012

This clip from TV Asahi is a lucid explanation of the biggest ongoing news story in the world today: The catastrophic consequences if an earthquake strikes the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 4 power plant before its spent fuel rods are moved to safe storage place, a process that will not even begin until December 2013, and could take years. It aired March 8, 2012 on “Morning Bird,” a mainstream Japanese news and information TV program.

NOTE Click the CC button at bottom right (first one from left to right on right side) to show English subtitles!

I made a transcript from the video subtitles (created by tokyobrowntabby), since this interview received no (zero, zip, zilch, nada) coverage in our famously free press, and I’d also like people to be able to quote from it, and search engines to find it. If you just read the transcript, and play the whole video through, at least play the presenters’ reaction shot at [5:04 – 5:07]; “the end” is impactful. The reporter is Mr. Toru TAMAKAWA. The expert is Dr. Hiroaki KOIDE, Research Associate at the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University. I’ve marked material from other presenters PRESENTER.

Continue reading “Josh Kilbourn: Fukushima #4 Spent Fuel Rods + Earthquake = Nuclear Holocaust”

John Steiner: Fracking Increases Cancer & Asthma, Not Just Earthquakes

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 07 Health, Government
John Steiner

EPA to Set Standards for Fracking Emissions

Public News Service-CO, April 12, 2012

DENVER – New standards for air pollution caused by natural gas development – including standards for the process known as hydraulic fracturing (fracking) – are scheduled to be released next week by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The industry claims fracking has minimal environmental impacts, but a study by the Colorado School of Public Health has found that health risks from cancers and asthma are higher than normal for people living near fracking sites in the state.

According to an attorney with Earthjustice, Robin Cooley, it has been 25 years since the EPA last reviewed some of these standards. The industry has changed significantly since then, she says.

“We know that the current rules are inadequate. They don't protect public health. The pollution problems are mounting by the day and expanding into new areas.”
Continue reading “John Steiner: Fracking Increases Cancer & Asthma, Not Just Earthquakes”