This entire site is about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and its follow-on, Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), so your search might have been better off with just a search for basics, or training, but here is what human-in-the-loop offers both to answer your question and to result in an automated hit the next time someone asks the same question.
Greetings. Never, ever search for Steele, he is “ever-present” and had to be taken off of the author tags otherwise it would be Steele and then a tiny small dot representing everyone else.
“ClimateGate” is your hint–that is how we handle both the reality of climate change, and the fraud that characterizes Al Gore, Maurice Strong, and all those associated with the IPCC and the fraudulent carbon marketplace–they are the Enron of the environmental movement. Searching for ClimateGate bring up the master list with all links:
Climate Change is real–it is also 100 years away and a tiny fraction of Environmental Degradaton, which the vastly more responsible High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change put at #3 for the simple reason that poverty does more environmental degradation than all the corporations on the planet, and infectious disease (#2) further reduces diversity and impact on the environment. Carbon is also a small part of climate change–paving over the wetlands, the HAARP Project, sulfer, mercury, all the toxins in our foods, all of these add up to climate change impacts–they just cannot be fraudlently traded the way the carbon market scam has been devised.
Not happy with what came up for this search, so here is the human-in-the loop answer.
The OSS.Net, Inc. archives, including all electronic copies of all proceedings, training, lectures, and so on, is forever. In the second column of this web site, under Antecedents, you will find a direct link back to OSS.Net, Inc. At OSS.Net, Inc. all of the original front page categories still have hundreds of links that are not represented here at Phi Beta Iota. Everything else (documents) is represented here at Phi Beta Iota. All things being equal, you are better off searching here unless you are looking for links you remember, e.g. under Information Operations (IO) at the OSS.Net site.
The two organizing documents, and both remain active and cover OSS.Net, Inc. web site contents from the past, they are not updated to reflect all that has been added to Phi Beta Iota from Earth Intelligence Network and from Amazon.
HOWEVER, Phi Beta Iota, this web site, was created for three reasons: 1) because we finally got fed-up with Amazon's unrealiability and capriciousness in censoring and gutting original works; 2) as a better front end for OSS.Net and EIN, both of which are now “static” as sites but active as archives (we load all the new stuff to the server in Sweden, and then link to it from Phi Beta Iota); and 3) to serve as the virtual index and endnotes for the new book, INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability, which is being translated into multiple languages and will also have this web site easily accessed in multiple languages.
Attached is a very revealing BBC interview with Phil Jones, the head of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. It should be read carefully with an eye to what is said and not said.
Note that Jones acknowledges that the time for debate over climate science is NOT over, particularly in the area of paleoclimate studies — which implies uncertainties in the calibration of the climate models used to predict the future, a item he addressed but did not discuss.
One item I found to be of particular interest is Jones' weak rationalization [see underlined text] for saying recent tree ring data (post 1960), which is used to deduce temperature in paeleoclimatology, is not reliable (because it showed a cooling trend while) but that earlier tree ring data is reliable … Jones is using this argument to justify splicing instrumental measurements of temperature to deduced measurements from tree rings (aka temperature proxies) after 1960. As a general matter, this kind of mixing apples and oranges violates every method of empirical calibration that I was taught in engineering school At the very least it requires a detailed explanation, yet Jones says nothing about the reasons he had for arguing the tree ring data before 1960, reaching back over 900 years, was reliable, but that the same data after 1960 was not “valid” [his word], and therefore, it was more appropriate to substitute direct instrumental measurements of temperature after 1960. But if temperature measurements between 1960 and 1999 don't match the deduction from proxies made from tree rings, what evidence is there that they do correlate for the preceding 900 years to be valid?
Note also, the total absence of any discussion of the 10,000 year history of ice cores, where recent, more precise methods of analysis suggest the periods of CO2 increase in atmosphere correlate with temperature increases but with a time lag of around 800 years, which seems at variance with the GW hypothesis that CO2 increases cause temperature increases. It is a question the interviewer should have asked, but was not, particularly given the uncertainties in paleoclimate research that were discussed, Chuck
Phil Jones is director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA), which has been at the centre of the row over hacked e-mails.
The BBC's environment analyst Roger Harrabin put questions to Professor Jones, including several gathered from climate sceptics. The questions were put to Professor Jones with the co-operation of UEA's press office.
Generally Word Press search, which updates constantly, is much better with simpler searches. Searching only for cammaert produces the following hits that we have resorted in relative order of value (Wrod Press delivers in reverse chronological order). General Patrick Cammaert, RN NL (Ret) is the best qualified person we know to be the first Assistant-Secretary General for Decision-Support within the United Nations.