CounterPunch: Fukushima

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation

counterpunch squareFukushima – Deep Trouble

Imagine the following scenario: 207 million cardboard book boxes, end-to-end, circumnavigating Earth, like railroad tracks, going all the way around the planet. That’s a lot of book boxes. Now, fill the boxes with radioactive waste. Forthwith, that’s the amount of radioactive waste stored unsheltered in one-tonne black bags throughout Fukushima Prefecture, amounting to 9,000,000 cubic metres. But wait, there’s more to come, another 13,000,000 cubic metres of radioactive soil is yet to be collected. (Source: Voice of America News, Problems Keep Piling Up in Fukushima, Feb. 17, 2016).

See Also:

Radiation Reloaded: Ecological Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident 5 Years Later (Greenpeace, March 2016)

Berto Jongman: Saudi Arabia Collapsing — and Has Nuclear Weapons

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Proliferation
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Start Preparing for the Collapse of the Saudi Kingdom

Saudi Arabia is no state at all. It's an unstable business so corrupt to resemble a criminal organization and the U.S. should get ready for the day after.

CIA Confirms Saudi Arabia Have 7 Nuclear Bombs Ready To Use

The founding Director of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Operations Center has confirmed that Saudi Arabia have up to seven nuclear bombs ready to use. 

See Also: Saudi Nuclear @ Phi Beta Iota & Saudi ISIS @ Phi Beta Iota


Worth a Look: Empire, Racism, and Genocide – A History of U.S. Foreign Policy

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

In its entire history, there has been very little time when the United States has been at peace. As it wages its many wars and ‘interventions’, the stated goal is always something few people could argue with: fostering democracy when a struggling people are resisting tyranny, removing threats to U.S. security, or punishing a cruel dictator for unspeakable misdeeds.

Yet on closer scrutiny, these reasons are seldom valid. They simply hide the true purposes of U.S. military involvement, which are power and wealth. Starting with the barbarous destruction of Native American culture in order to gain farmlands, right through to the Iraqi invasion for oil, money and power have always motivated U.S. foreign policy decisions. Dictators with appalling records of human rights violations are upheld by the U.S.  if they agree to whatever economic or strategic demands the U.S. makes. Conversely, democratically elected leaders are overthrown if they don’t.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Empire, Racism, and Genocide – A History of U.S. Foreign Policy”

Owl: Massive Radiation Spike Across USA — and EPA Shuts Down Radiation Detectors

08 Proliferation
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

7 NOV Unacknowledged Radiation Event Across Upper Midwest

“(San Francisco) Nov 7, 2015 – An unacknowledged nuclear event swept through the Upper Midwest in the United States in September 2015. No terrorist organization, nuclear capable corporation, government agency or organized military has taken credit for the event. In a nutshell, here’s what happened: A powerful nuclear pulse was created somewhere in the upper Midwest and spread a radioactive wave front outward hundreds of miles across America’s Heartland. The pulse was recorded at the few active and published radiation stations with an unmistakable signature.”


Radiation Sensors in Major U.S. Cities Turned Off Because They Don’t Work

William Blum: USA – Exporting War & Repression

01 Poverty, 02 Infectious Disease, 03 Environmental Degradation, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Military, Officers Call
William Blum
William Blum

Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:

  • Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.
  • Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
  • Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.
  • Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.
  • Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.
  • Plus … although not easily quantified … more involved in the practice of torture than any other country in the world … for over a century … not just performing the actual torture, but teaching it, providing the manuals, and furnishing the equipment.

Continue reading “William Blum: USA – Exporting War & Repression”

Berto Jongman: One US Captain Stopped US Nuclear Launch on Russia from Okinawa in 1962

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Proliferation

berto smallThe Okinawa missiles of October

Bordne was serving at one of four secret missile launch sites on the US-occupied Japanese island of Okinawa.

Editor's note: As this article was being considered for publication, Daniel Ellsberg … wrote a lengthy email message to the Bulletin, …assert [ing], in part: “I feel it's urgent to find out whether Bordne's story and Tovish's tentative conclusions from it are true, given the implications of its truth for present dangers, not only past history.


Antechinus: Obama Created New Nuclear Weapon (Breaks Promise)

08 Proliferation, Corruption, Government, Military

Obama pledged to reduce nuclear arsenal, then came this weapon

The U.S. government doesn’t consider the B61-12 to be new – simply an upgrade of an existing weapon. Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the nonpartisan Federation of American Scientists in Washington, is resolute that the bomb violates a 2010 Obama administration pledge not to produce nuclear weapons with new military capabilities. “We do not have a nuclear guided bomb in our arsenal today,” Kristensen said. “It is a new weapon.”

Continue reading “Antechinus: Obama Created New Nuclear Weapon (Breaks Promise)”