4th Media: USA/USG in 74 Admitted Wars — Meanwhile, Activists Gear Up for “Fearless Summer” of Transformative Protests

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, Crowd-Sourcing
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit

See Also:

CRS Report: Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2013

Graphic: US Bases (44) Surrounding Iran

“Fearless Summer”: Fearlessness Grows From the Grass Roots: US Protest Movement against the Banksters

A popular resistance is developing throughout the nation; and the more the government fails to listen, the more the media fails to report it, the bigger the explosion of resistance will be.

Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Global Research  will be publishing a series of articles and reports with a view to promoting “Boston Truth”.  The underlying objective is  to confront and challenge the official version of events concerning the Boston bombings as well as the twisted and convoluted interpretations of the mainstream media.

We invite our readers to endorse “Boston Truth” and spread the word on social media, independent media and blog sites.

Nine thousand heavily armed police including SWAT teams were deployed in a manhunt to capture a 19 year old student at U-Mass, after his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston Marathon terror mastermind was shot dead by police allegedly  after a car chase and shoot out with police.

Continue reading “Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?”

Berto Jongman: YouTube Audio (48:10) Sibel Edmunds On Boston Bombing, CIA, and US Empire — US Buying Russian Okay on Invading Syria with Hands Off on Caucasus?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Extraordinary — virtually a monologue drawing on deep FBI knowledge of CIA false flag operations in Caucasus and Central Asia, ties in Turkish role for decades as CIA and NATO silent partner in false flag terrorism across Caucasus and Central Asia, with Graham Fuller, CIA's man man “a despicable person” and the family of the  alleged Boston bombers who were trained by the Jamestown Foundation and CIA.  Specifically says that US has been providing chemical weapons to the rebels against the Syrian government.  Concludes with prediction on Iran.

Phi Beta Iota:  We have no direct knowledge, but based on listening to Sibel Edmonds for the full 48:10 minutes, we consider her 100% credible and extremely authentic, authoritative, informed, and articulate.  Provides a useful historical overview of how British used religious fanatics and false flags to divide & conquer.  Overall, a virtuoso performance.  When combined with the emerging disclosures on extraterrestrial technologies and knowledge, our overall impression is that the US government has failed the public — secrecy has enabled unnecessary wars over unnecessary resources at the same time that we actually have direct access — have had for decades — advanced technologies that make fossil fuels and rare metals “moot.”  What kind of country screws the many on behalf of the few?  What kind of country avoids ethical evidence-based decision-making at all costs?

Counterintelligence Note:  She says all major US government personnel posted to Turkey in 1990 are core group behind what is left of NATO Gladio, and continue to operate with CIA funding.

See Also:

Berto Jongman: YouTube (11:24) Russia Today TV Nails DHS, FBI, and Boston Leaders — Federal, State, & Local Officials Impeachable + Boston Meta-RECAP

Mini-Me: Boston Media Manipulation, Known Veteran Double-Amputee Brought in as Actor — Amputees in Action Business — Clergy Barred from “Injured” UPDATE 1.4

Review (Guest): Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir

Gordon Duff: Col James Hanke, USA (Ret) on Five False Flags in USA, Dick Cheney Rogue Chain of Command into JSOG, and Bi-Furcated USG (Both Dual Chains of Command & Competing Rogue Elements) + Boston Meta-RECAP + 5 Comments

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military

WARNING NOTICE:  We have no direct knowledge.  We pray the FBI does its job and gets it right.  In time the truth will reveal itself.

Gordon Duff
Gordon Duff

Former Army Spymaster Cites “Bifurcated” US Government in False Flag Terrorism

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Yesterday, during a radio talk show hosted by Mike Harris with Dr. James Fetzer and me as guests, Colonel James Hanke, a longtime friend and senior US Army intelligence officer (retired) phoned in. Hanke is the highest ranking intelligence official every to admit to false flag terrorism and to speak of it openly.

Hanke, former chief intelligence officer of NATO’s largest command, 3rd Army, former Military Attache to Israel and a recognized leader of the “mainstream” special operations community is still active within the intelligence community.

The interview below is a unique opportunity to view the “sea change” in awareness among senior intelligence personnel as to the breakdown in America’s government and security structure, enough of a “breakdown” to allow organizations to stage attacks, even assassinations, inside the United States.

Continue reading “Gordon Duff: Col James Hanke, USA (Ret) on Five False Flags in USA, Dick Cheney Rogue Chain of Command into JSOG, and Bi-Furcated USG (Both Dual Chains of Command & Competing Rogue Elements) + Boston Meta-RECAP + 5 Comments”

Jim Dean: Could It Be? Osama Bin Laden’s Son (and Jihad Heir) in USA on a Presidential Over-Ride?

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Update 12:55 pm: We have new information that Al-Harbi could not have been back doored into the US without presidential authority. Bypassing a 3-B terrorist watch status is not something an ICE supervisor could have initialed through. We know someone who sponsored an East European nursing student for a visa. The cost? Posting a $1 million bond.

The Bush family has had long and intimate business dealings with the bin Laden family. They bailed George W. out of his short stint in the oil business. They came in to buy out Harken Energy, where it’s subsequent demise went on the bin Laden family tab and was technically off George W’s future presidential resume. Left unresolved was a $50,000 loan to GW which was never repaid, nor reported as income as a forgive loan.

Al-Harbi bin Laden
Al-Harbi bin Laden

How could Bush have done this back then? Easy…a few lines written into a house budget bill could have said any member of the bin Laden family was granted automatic visa status per presidential request, and approved by Congress via hiding the lines in a big bill.

Yes, folks…this kind of stuff is done whenever they want to. That’s why up and coming hustlers want to join the ranks. There is a lot more to this. We will keep posting. Jim Dean.

Oh, no…don’t say I tricked you with the title. This is a news bomb if there ever was one. The Saudi national that Glenn Beck has been making a big fuss over is…Osama bin Laden’s son, Al-Harbi.

Continue reading “Jim Dean: Could It Be? Osama Bin Laden's Son (and Jihad Heir) in USA on a Presidential Over-Ride?”

Eagle: Round Up of YouTube Videos on Boston and Texas

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Commerce, Corruption, Government, YouTube
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…


YouTube (8:05) Alex Jones PROOF! Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror Attack

Over 2.5 million views.

YouTube (3:00) (Beck Gives Obama Till Monday to Admit Boston Bombing was Inside Job

Over 1 million views.

YouTube (15:05) New Evidence That Boston Bombings Was Staged Please Watch

Hollywood blood packets all over the place, Hollywood simulated wounds overview



YouTube (14:54) Lazer Plasma Decontamination Weapon USED IN Waco Blast Extreme Evidence

YouTube (2:24) Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion | Missile Strike Proof [Original]


YouTube (1:52)Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion | Missile Strike Proof 2 [Original]

Improved version of the preceding video.

Eagle: YouTube (4:20) The Corbett Report – The War on Terror is Over – America Lost

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Published on Apr 24, 2013


It has often been observed that the war on terror is unwinnable. After all, how could a war on an abstract noun ever have its “Mission Accomplished” moment? It is, according to this wisdom, meant to drag on forever. Just because a war can't be won, however, doesn't mean it can't be lost. The truth is that the war on terror is over. And America has lost.

First Comment at YouTube:

Boston was the most disgusting display of servitude to the fascist globalist BORG I have EVER seen!  I've harbored great feelings of shame over the actions and INaction of Americans over the past few decades but this one….  My own countrymen shocked me with their genuflection to an evil social engineering tyrannical dictatorship. Simply appalling!  This was a test case, America!  Boston failed the test and MISERABLY!  NOW we can expect more of the same and MUCH…worse.