Eagle: Why COVID Doctors May Be Prosecuted Under Nuremberg Code

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

An increasing focus among lawyers filing lawsuits against perpetrators of the COVID19 mass vaccination debacle are prosecutions of doctors violating the international Nuremberg Code. Here, we examine what the Code requires of all medical doctors.

In a recent video, Immunology expert Dr. Dolores Cahill and Trial attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich discussed specific adverse outcomes – some deadly – triggered by injection of the genetically modified and reprogrammed coronavirus mRNA jab (described erroneously as a vaccine – it isn’t!).

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Mongoose: The global trace-and-track regime

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Corruption, Education, Knowledge, Science, Software

Michelle Malkin warns ‘the conspiracy is real'

The Biden administration's vaccine passport scheme is just the teeny-tiny tip of a massive privacy invasion iceberg. A year ago this week, I began chronicling the worldwide weaponization of COVID-19 by big government and big business to trace and track the health data of untold hundreds of millions of human beings. Let's review.

In March 2020, Singapore unleashed a Bluetooth app called “TraceTogether” on Google Play and the Apple Store to track people who tested positive for coronavirus and notify others through their cellphones. For those who argue that participation is completely “voluntary,” bear in mind that Singapore functions as a high-tech dictatorship where refusal to comply with stay-at-home orders and refusal to share GPS location data with health bureaucrats are criminal offenses subject to six months' imprisonment and/or a $10,000 fine.

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Naomi Wolf: Vaccine Passports Spell ‘The End of Human Liberty’

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

How does China keep a billion people under the thumb of a totalitarian regime?

Liberal author and feminist icon Naomi Wolf is warning that the proposed “vaccine passports” would mean the end of liberty in the free world.

“I cannot say this forcefully enough: This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned,” she said in an interview Sunday with Fox News' Steve Hilton.

Some countries including Denmark, have already begun implementing a digital or paper proof of vaccination that allows a person to enter a venue or board public transportation.

“‘Vaccine passport' sounds like a fine thing if you don't understand what these platforms can do,” Wolf said. “I'm the CEO of a tech company. I understand what this platform does. It is not about the vaccine or the virus, it is about your data. What people need to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.”

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Edwin Jewett: In ‘Disheartening’ Ruling, Court Paves Way for Deployment of 5G Wireless Antennas on Private Property

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Education

CHD Chairman RFK, Jr., said the recent court ruling allowing the installation of wireless antenna on private property sentences vulnerable adults and children to eviction, diminished property values and debilitating illness without legal recourse.

An emergency injunction filed earlier this month by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) to stop a rule allowing private property owners to place fixed point-to-point antennas on their property and extend 5G wireless services to users on neighboring properties was denied last week by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

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Stephen E. Arnold: The Google and Web Indexing: An Issue of Control or Good, Old Fear?

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Knowledge

I read “Google’s Got A Secret.” No kidding, but Google has many, many secrets. Most of them are unknown to today’s Googlers. After 20 plus years, even Xooglers are blissfully unaware of the “big idea,” the logic of low profiling data slurping, how those with the ability to make “changes” to search from various offices around the world can have massive consequences for those who “trust” the company, and the increasing pressure to control Googzilla’s appetite for cash. But enough of these long-ignored issues.

The “secret” in the article is that Google actively pushes as many buttons and pulls as many levers as its minions can to make it tough for competitors to “index” the publicly accessible Web. The write up states:

Only a select few crawlers are allowed access to the entire web, and Google is given extra special privileges on top of that.

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Yoda: Israel’s Supreme Court orders COVID Iron Curtain lifted

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

 Israel’s Supreme Court orders COVID Iron Curtain lifted

After the State of Israel failed to satisfactorily respond to Thursday’s Supreme Court order to provide a reason why the Special Authorities Regulations for Dealing With the Novel Coronavirus restricting exit from and entry into Israel, and restricting operation of airports and flights, should not be cancelled, the Court today overruled the limits imposed by the government on the total number of passengers allowed to enter Israel by air each day.

The petition that led to the ruling was written by Attorney Batya Sachs and submitted by the firm of Sachs-David-Price-Hegedish.

The 3,000 passenger daily limit will end on Saturday, March 20th.

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Mongoose: John Brennan Sent to GITMO

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Military, Political, Politics

Deep State operative and former CIA director John Brennan has a new home at the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, Real Raw News has learned.

A source familiar with Trump’s war on the Deep State and mission to invalidate a fraudulent presidential election told RRN that U.S. military assets loyal to Trump arrested Brennan on 25 March and flew him to GITMO for processing. He will be held as an enemy combatant while awaiting a military tribunal, our source said.

“I can’t speak to the logistics of the operation or where Brennan was nabbed, but Trump had gathered overwhelming information proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Brennan had committed atrocities against the American people. And we’re talking about a lot more than his role in the whole Russian collusion scandal,” our source said.

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