Berto Jongman: Interactive Political Risk Map

Analysis, Geospatial, Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Map Format Options

Note: Political Risk Map and Terrorism Risk Map are hosted on the same website. Use the same login credentials to access both.  Click the links below to access:

PDF Version

Online Version for 2013 Data Only (no registration required)

Login to Online Historical Maps and Analytics (if you already registered)

Value added features of Interactive Risk Map

Exposure Calculator Screen Shot Map Analysis Screen Shot
Exposure Calculator allows clients to measure their financial exposures against country risk. Map Analysis allows clients to measure countries against each other over time.

Click here for web page to register for access to historical maps and supporting analytics.

Michel Bauwens: Civilized Discourse Construction Kit

Advanced Cyber/IO, Architecture, Civil Society, Data, Design, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Software, Worth A Look
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

People are raving about this as a possible alternative command and control system for the public to use.

Civilized Discourse Construction Kit

Jeff Atwood

Coding Horror, February 5, 2013


After spending four solid years thinking of discussion as the established corrupt empire, and Stack Exchange as the scrappy rebel alliance, I began to wonder – what would it feel like to change sides? What if I became a champion of random, arbitrary discussion, of the very kind that I'd spent four years designing against and constantly lecturing users on the evil of?

I already built an X-Wing; could I build a better Tie Fighter?

Today we announce the launch of Discourse, a next-generation, 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet.


logo discourseThe goal of the company we formed, Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc., is exactly that – to raise the standard of civilized discourse on the Internet through seeding it with better discussion software:

  • 100% open source and free to the world, now and forever.
  • Feels great to use. It's fun.
  • Designed for hi-resolution tablets and advanced web browsers.
  • Built in moderation and governance systems that let discussion communities protect themselves from trolls, spammers, and bad actors – even without official moderators.

Our amazingly talented team has been working on Discourse for almost a year now, and although like any open source software it's never entirely done, we believe it is already a generation ahead of any other forum software we've used.

Continue reading “Michel Bauwens: Civilized Discourse Construction Kit”

Worth a Look: Wickr — Data at Rest, Data in Flight, Encrypted and Not Stored in Cloud

IO Secrets, IO Technologies, Worth A Look

logo wickrThe Internet is forever.

Your private communications don´t need to be.

Wickr is a free app that provides: military-grade encryption of text, picture, audio and video messages ·sender-based control over who can read messages, where and for how long ·best available privacy, anonymity and secure file shredding features ·security that is simple to use

“Wickr – an iPhone encryption app a 3-year-old can use.”

“There is no reason your pictures, videos and communications should be available on some server, where it can easily be accessed by who-knows-who, or what service, without any control over what people do with it.” 

Wickr’s mission is to provide secure communications that Leave No Trace.

People are being tracked online and their data is being sold in ways they do not understand by numerous governments and corporations.

Wickr flips messaging on its head, giving control to the sender instead of the receiver (or servers in between).

After all, who doesn’t want control of the messages and media they share with others?  Security has never been so easy!

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Wickr — Data at Rest, Data in Flight, Encrypted and Not Stored in Cloud”

Michelle Monk: PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Worth A Look
Michelle Monk
Michelle Monk

PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements 

  • This post has been rewritten and is being updated.  I'm looking for help, and if you want to take over completely, or help partially, that'd be awesome.. I'm getting tired; this “job” has a high turnover rate.  Right now, I'm mostly taking a break.
  • The link for the spreadsheet has changed from the original, so if your link doesn't work, that's why. 
  • I highly suggest you share other formats other than the google docs.


I've noticed that some non-conspiracy factists are finding this.  That's great!  Welcome to the wide world of conspiracism, illusion, lies, and truth….  Unfortunately this information may be a little very over your head.  To understand this post, this is information background I assumed readers were aware of:

  1. All things in conspiracy world seem ridiculous to the ignorant. Research before you decide things.  If you don't research, you will think it's crazy and incorrect–that's very ignorant, sheepish, and closed minded of you, isn't it?
  2. Illuminati & secret societies are considered active and their current existence is fact.
  3. They have/had a mass genocide plan called the New World Order in which they plan on exterminating 80-90% of the population on the planet.  Goals of NWO:
    1. Mass control & manipulation
    2. Money, power, oppression, poverty
    3. Stupidity
    4. Sickness & Depopulation: through camps, eugenics, population control, infertility, chemicals, weather catastrophes, GMOs, vaccines, wheat, etc
    5. Disconnection from divinity: Prevention of enlightenment, keep us in low vibrations, human higher power & true abilities, love, happiness, equality, peace, social-emotional intelligence, connection with nature
    6. Suppression of life beyond earth & our knowledge
  4. They have manipulated the entire history of human kind.  We're swimming in lies.
  5. Mainstream media is not trustworthy.  Tv (and other media) is a brainwasher.  Media is a censored bunch of packaged lies.
  6. Our world is completely different than the illusion most of us see.  If you research constantly for a few months, trying to wake yourself up daily, you will eventually see through it all.
  7. Elite are everywhere, high and low. If the leaders of towns weren't corrupt (or “sleeping” & unintentionally corrupt), then people would realize that elite are manipulating us from the top.  But if the lies are protected at low levels, they insure people keep sleeping, not aware, not awake.
  8. The elite are sneaky, sneaky experts on manipulation.  There is so much we don't know, and so much hidden from us.
  9. If you think these prelude facts are crazy, sorry, but go back to conspiracy school.  Do more research.
  10. If you'd like to understand these prelimary things more, I suggest you see Beginner's Guide To Waking  Up 101


They're going DOWN.   We're winning.


Continue reading “Michelle Monk: PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements”

Worth a Look: 4th Media, Scary Headlines

Worth A Look

Future Release (7 January 2014): Company Man: Thirty Years of Controvbersy and Crisis in the CIA

Worth A Look
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

January 7, 2014

Book Description

From the “most influential career lawyer in CIA history” (Los Angeles Times) an unprecedented memoir filled with never-before-told stories from his thirty-year career at the center of the U.S. government’s intelligence program (1976-2009). In 1975, fresh out of law school and working a numbing job at the Treasury Department, Rizzo took “a total shot in the dark” and sent his resume to the Central Intelligence Agency. He had no notion that more than thirty years later, after serving under eleven CIA directors and seven Presidents, he would become a notorious public figure—a symbol and victim of the toxic winds swirling in post-9/11 Washington. From approval of the rules governing waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques” to serving as the point person answering for the Iran Contra scandal, John Rizzo witnessed and participated in virtually all of the significant operations of the CIA’s modern history.

In Company Man, Rizzo charts the CIA’s evolution from shadowy entity to an organization exposed to new laws, rules, and a seemingly never-ending string of public controversies, from Iran-Contra to Valerie Plame. Rizzo offers a direct window into the CIA’s actions in the years after the 9/11 attacks, when he served as the agency’s top lawyer, with oversight of actions that remain the subject of intense debate today, including CIA black sites and the infamous memos surrounding the interrogation of Al Qaeda suspect Abu Zubaydah. Spanning more than three decades, Company Man is the most comprehensive insider account of the CIA ever written. Filled with revelatory stories set against a backdrop of some of Washington’s biggest political dramas, it is a groundbreaking, timely, and remarkable personal history of American intelligence.

About the Author

John Rizzo had a thirty-four-year career as a lawyer at CIA, culminating with seven years as the Agency’s chief legal officer. In the post-9/11 era, he helped create and implement the full spectrum of aggressive counterterrorist operations against Al Qaeda, including the so-called “enhanced interrogation program” and lethal strikes against the Al Qaeda leadership. Since retiring from the CIA, he has served as senior counsel at a Washington, D.C., law firm and is a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institution. He is a graduate of Brown University and George Washington University Law School.