Worth a Look: Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Worth A Look
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Why Hewlett-Packard Must Articulate Its Enterprise Strategy

The challenge right now for HP is that the whole is not yet greater than the sum of its parts. For all of the operational-excellence strides Mark Hurd and his team have made, HP has yet to reveal an equally compelling externally facing strategy to the world: what is HP's core strength? What does HP do best?

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HP transforms from printers to diverse tech business

The Palo Alto company, which had $118 billion in sales last year, now draws its biggest profit from a unit that provides tech services to other companies and public agencies. But in the PC segment, Bradley “has been able to do some incredible things with a division that most people thought, before he came on board, couldn't be fixed,” said veteran tech analyst Rob Enderle. “He appears to be on a fast track” among company executives, Enderle added. Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal reported that Hurd is considering a plan to fold the printing business into Bradley's division.

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Worth a Look: The Cato Institute on Intelligence

Worth A Look
CATO on Intelligence List
CATO on Intelligence List

We have not featured “think tanks” on this web site because all of them, with one exception, are ideologically biased and financially-beholden to one of the two parties that monopolize power and exclude both the majority of Americans from an honest electoral process, and the majority of objective experts from the policy and budget dailog.

The CATO Institute appears to be an exception.  Below are a few of their generally dated but still relevant pronouncements on the subject of intelligence as decision support.

Why Spy? The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence Stanley Kober (1996)

Building Leverage in the Long War, Jim Harris (2002)

Intelligence Failures Now and Then, Christopher Preble (2004)

Enemies of Intelligence (Book Review), Justin Logan (2007)

Real Intelligence Failures, Richard W. Rahn (2008)

The Need for Judicial Oversight of Domestic Intelligence Gathering, Timothy Lee (2008)

Mike German on ‘Intelligence’ Reports, Jim Harper (2009)

Worth a Look: Link Fixed on CCC Briefing

Worth A Look

With apologies, just noticed a link error in the briefing given to the team leaders of the 75+ nations at the Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) in Tampa, Florida.  The link has been fixed.

2006 Briefing to the Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) Leadership at the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM)–Multinational Intelligence: Can CENTCOM Lead the Way? Reflections on OSINT & the Coalition

Note:  DoD OSINT Leadership Briefing and DoD OSINT Staff Briefing are also relevant.  The bottom line is that if the USA/DoD choose not to build this, someone else will and the USA will have no standing at all.

Worth a Look: Is another 9/11 set to unfold?

Worth A Look
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Phi Beta Iota: This article came out in early September 2009.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Heart of a Soldier tells the story of two men who, well before it happened, foretold not only of the terrorist attack of 9/11 but also the 1993 bombing in the World Trade Center parking garage that preceded it.

It was Hill who converted to Islam as a young U.S. Army paratrooper stationed in Beirut in 1958. It was Hill who learned fluent Arabic. It was Hill who joined the Mujahedeen Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan and fought the Soviet invasion there in the 1980s. It was Hill who personally met Osama bin Laden. It was Hill who used information from Islamic extremists to warn Rescorla that terrorists would use the underground parking garage for a car bomb attack on the World Trade Center. It was Hill who asked the U.S. government to assist him in an assassination attempt on bin Laden in 1998 (the request was rejected). And it was Hill who warned the FBI just weeks before Sept. 11, 2001, that his Mideast contacts told him “something big” was about to happen in the United States, in New York, Washington, D.C., or Philadelphia — maybe all three.

He didn't want to talk about the past. He wanted to talk about the future. The very near future.

The man who predicted 9/11 is worried that its sequel is imminent. “Muslims that I talk to say things like, ‘America thinks they're safe now. They've forgotten about 9/11. But watch, Daniel. Stay near your TV. It's going to be bigger than 9/11,' ” he said.

Worth a Look: Reporters for a Free Press

Media, Worth A Look
Official Web Site
Official Web Site

Somewhat tongue in cheek, since none of the major figures actually try to report the truth in a useful context, we point today to The Reporters Committee for a Free Press, which is hosting an event this Sunday (11 October) in Washington, D.C. Most of these people are what are called “courtiers” whose livelihood depends on accepting all of the censorship that comes with access in Washington, D.C.

We note with interest that the Justices appear willing to allow the Executive to block photos of dead U.S. troops and tortured detainees, but feel strongly that photos of animal cruelty are totally necessary and in the public interest.  That pretty much sums up the state of our not so free press–a circus, not a service.

Worth a Look: New Society Publishers

Worth A Look
Catalog Online
Catalog Online

For the first time we are posting a link twice, in both Professional Sites (as a publisher) and in Righteous Sites (as a contributor).  For some time now we have been struck by the consistent value and inherent righteousness of much of what this organization does.

They describe themselves as Deep Green for 25 Years, and in the introduction to their latest catalog, speak of “being addicted to ideas that promise to rebuild our culture on a more compassionate, sustainable basis.”

All good.  As will be evident from our review of The Resilient Earth, a book not published by New Society Publishers, the green movement leaves a lot to be desired in terms of coherence, holistic analysis, and plain common sense–Al Gore being a stricking example of smoke over substance.

Below are a few of the titles that represent the best of this earnest organization's offerings:

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Journal: China 8, USA 0

02 China, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Media Reports, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other), Worth A Look
Full Op-Ed Online
Full Op-Ed Online
Phi Beta Iota: First, tip of the hat to the  New York Times for open persistent URLs.   Bravo! We strongly recommend a reading of the entire piece at the NYT website. Shame on the USA for not living up to the Founding Father's aspirations for a wise government and an engaged public.  No one now working for the White House can recite the ten high-level threats, the twelve core policies that must be harmonized, or the eight demographic challengers–including China–who we should be helping devise the World Brain with embedded EarthGame.  US voters are slow to anger, but that anger will rise in 2010 and crest in 2012.
Op-Ed Contributor:  Eight Idas Behind China's Success

By ZHANG WEI-WEI, Published: September 30, 2009

EXTRACT:  Critics of China like to claim that despite its economic success, the country has no “big ideas” to offer. But to this author, it is precisely big ideas that have shaped China’s dramatic rise. Here are eight such ideas:

1. Seeking truth from facts.

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