Worth a Look: Real-Time Intelligence (RTI)

Worth A Look

Although trademarked by some we ignore that since “real time intelligence” has been a term of art for over a decade.  Still, the gradual emergence of tools, tactics, and technigues for Real Time Intelligence (RTI) and Near Real Time Intelligence (NRTI) are starting to gain traction.

Much of what is called RTI or NRTI is not intelligence at all, merely real-time information, and the bridge has not been made to decision-support.  There are analytic packages and analytic algorithyms in the mix, but stove-piping still rules.

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Journal: Petition for Peace Engineering

02 Diplomacy, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Ethics, Peace Intelligence, Reform, Strategy, Worth A Look
Petition for Peace
Petition for Peace

The average American is now in motion.  The Independent movement has reached critical mass, and the public recognition that everything the government is doing lacks a strategic analytic rationale as well as–in many cases–a moral rationale, is gathering force.

The below message captured our attention.  Note the “social engineering” of the military-industrial complex that has labored for decades to connect jobs to war, patronage to war,  bribes to war, high crimes and midemeanors (betrayal of the public trust) to war.  The call for social engineering for peace is, in our view, a strong signal that public intelligence is now becoming more commonplace, but we make the observation that the “lag time” between Congressional and Executive high crimes and misdemeanors, and the public discovery, analytis, outrage, and action, is still too great.  Public intelligence is going to have to do something secret intelligence cannot do: develop global REAL-TIME and NEAR-REAL-TIME information-sharing and sense-making, and do this across all ten high-level threats and all twelve policies that must be harmonized across all boundaries.

Continue reading “Journal: Petition for Peace Engineering”

Worth a Look: The Infrastructurist

03 Economy, 07 Health, Worth A Look
Sewer Economics
Sewer Economics

Here is the bit that got our attention:

What’s the financial argument? You reap $7 dollars in economic rewards for every dollar you spend in basic sanitation. That makes it a really, really good investment. In the developing world, it may cost a couple hundred dollars to install a decent latrine, but think of what you save in terms of health costs and what you would otherwise lose when your workers are off with dysentery or whatever. And in developed world we’re learning that if you don’t continue investing in infrastructure you just going to pay a lot more later. It’s that simple.

Author Rose George
Author Rose George
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

We have added this site to the Righteous Site blogroll.  There are gems–and humor, throughout–that reflect a remarkable public intelligence in relation to national infrastructure.

What is clear is that “the numbers” that are presented to the public for any given public works project are those that favor the decision that has already been made, one based on corporate numbers that seek to spend public funds to create capabilities that extract profit from the public at public expense.

Public intelligence is how we get government back into the business of sserving the public rather than serving as the wealth transfer mechanism from individual taxation to corporate profiteering.

Worth a Look: Independents Rising

Worth A Look

Jacqueline Salit led the independent movement that elected Bloomberg mayor of New York City.  She has gone on to create a nation-wide grass-roots movement with two thrusts: the Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP), and as its primary objective, the enabling of Independent Voting, not only in the general election but in the primaries where this movement can credibly claim to have been the decisive factor in the marginal election of President Barack Obama (70% of the eligible voters did not vote for him–he won on a thin majority of those that did vote).

This “virtual” third party now claims 42% of all voters, a percentage that exceeds either of the two “main” parties.  Some reports suggest that the number of independent voters, now including estranged Republicans and fearful Democrats, actually comes closer to 60%.

If you care about America, if you want to understand the possibilities in America, please watch this video.  It is a foundation stone for the new house we must build, a house that does not distinguish between the mansion for Wall Street and the outhouse for the rest of us.  See also the master website, and an independent blogger, Nancy Hanks.

CUIP/Independent Web Site
CUIP/Independent Web Site
The Hankster
The Hankster

Worth a Look: Available for Pre-Order at Amazon INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

From the Amazon Page:

Constantly committed to truth and honesty [this work] demonstrates his ability to grasp the real issues and to take into account the views and concerns of men of good will from all nations and all cultures. –Admiral Pierre Lacoste, French Navy (Retired), Former Director of Foreign Intelligence (DGSE)

Robert Steele goes well beyond the original visions of the best of Directors of Central Intelligence, and has crafted a brilliant, sensible, and honorable future for the intelligence profession. –Major General Oleg Kalugin, KGB (Retired), Elected Deputy to the Russian Parliament.

Robert Steele is unusual for an American….he is clearly internationalist in his orientation. He has written a book that can bring us together in facing our greatest enemies: ignorance, poverty, and mistrust. –Rear Admiral Hamit Gulemere Aybars, Turkish Navy (Retired)

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Available for Pre-Order at Amazon INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability”

Worth a Look: Singularity University

Worth A Look
University of the Future
University of the Future

Like Google.org, which Larry Brilliant ultimately walked away from, this has token money from Google and is a really great idea badly funded.  It has Vint Cerf and Ray Kurzweil, and it claims to be seriously interested in ensuring that we understand the future impacts of technologies–something of a contrast to the Kurzweil-Spivak “technology ubber alles” views expoused in book-length form.

We have added this to our Professional Sites, and will await further developments.

Worth a Look: Academic Earth, Free Lectures

04 Education, Gift Intelligence, Worth A Look
Home Page
Home Page

The latest campus revolutionaries are the so-called edupunks — and their mission is to break up the ivory tower so everyone can pile into the classroom. MIT was the first university to heed the edupunk call: it started posting syllabi, course notes and videotaped lectures on ocw.mit.edu back in 2001. Harvard, Berkeley, Yale, Princeton and Stanford soon followed suit, with their own schemes for posting videos of their most popular courses. Now Academic Earth aggregates all this material so you can audit classes from the comfort of your computer.

Above from TIME Magazine's Top 50 Web Sites of 2009.  Click below to see all 50 sites.

TIME 9 of 50 Top Web Sites 2009
TIME 9 of 50 Top Web Sites 2009