Jean Lievens: Open Tech Challenges Proprietary, Relocalizes Manufacturing, Addresses Poverty

Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Economics/True Cost, Hardware
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Open Tech Forever Challenges Proprietary Innovation

Open source hardware could be a revolutionary tool for unlocking our shackles to profit motivated, proprietary innovation. It has a vision to alleviate poverty through empowering decentralized and affordable, small scale production. Participants anywhere in the world can use the internet to access, improve, or adapt designs for local manufacturing and drastically increase the rate of innovation.

Open Tech Forever (OTF) is emerging to become a new force in open source hardware development by building an open source factory where it will produce open technology. OTF recently launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to raise $50,000 to build the facility, and they need your support. As a cooperatively-owned social enterprise, all of its innovation will be transparently documented in writing, graphics and video, and released under a Creative Commons license.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

OTF’s mission is to “facilitate cooperation among the communities that live on the frontlines of suffering throughout the world, so that we can build enduring solutions to poverty and the destruction of the environment.” OTF co-founder, Aaron Makaruk explains, “An entirely new economic frontier stands before us, a world where innovation and wealth are mass produced as easily as a file is downloaded to a computer. Our goal is to use local, open source factories to outcompete companies that import unsustainable products manufactured in inhuman conditions and put them out of business – one locally-owned, open source company at a time.”

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Relocalizing manufacturing is one of the most significant steps we can take to prepare for the destabilizing effects of climate change and to empower local communities to build resilient, self-sustaining economies. OTF, with its passionate team of skilled engineers and radical mission, will be an exciting project to watch as it grows over the next couple years and a great cause to support through its first phase of development.

Read dull article.

Jean Lievens: Warren Karlenzig: Collective Intelligence–Cities as Global Intelligence Platform

Architecture, Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Resilience
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Warren Karlenzig: Collective Intelligence–Cities as Global Intelligence Platform

Social media and collaborative technologies–layered with smart systems combining geo-location data with human experience–will make cities the driving sustainability force in a dawning planetary era. Cities will anticipate new risks with rapid urban systems innovation based upon crowdsourcing, virtual and physical communities, and transparent markets sensitive to full carbon and resource costs. Creatively leveraging collective intelligence for clean energy, low carbon mobility and sustainable food and water, the new urban grid will enable high local quality of life, lifelong learning and vibrant green economies.

Berto Jongman: Social Media and the Emergence of Open-Source Geospatial Intelligence

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Social Media and the Emergence of Open-Source Geospatial Intelligence

We have just finished a paper entitled ‘Social Media and the Emergence of Open-Source Geospatial Intelligence' for Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Global Security. For those interested below is the abstract:

The emergence of social media has provided the public with an effective and irrepressible real-time mechanism to broadcast information. The great popularity of platforms such as twitter and YouTube, and the substantial amount of content that is communicated through them are making social media an essential component of open-source intelligence. The information communicated through such feeds conveys the interests and opinions of individuals, and reveals links and the complex structure of social networks.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

However, this information is only partially exploited if one does not consider its geographical aspect. Indeed, social media feeds more often than not have some sort of geographic content, as they may communicate the location from where a particular report is contributed, the geolocation of an image, or they may refer to a specific sociocultural hotspot. By harvesting this geographic content from social media feeds we can transfer the extracted knowledge from the amorphous cyberspace to the geographic space, and gain a unique understanding of the human lansdscape, its structure and organization, and its evolution over time. This new-found opportunity signals the emergence of open-source geospatial intelligence, whereby social media contributions can be analyzed and mined to gain unparalleled situational awareness. In this paper we showcase a number of sample applications that highlight the capabilities of harvesting geospatial intelligence from social media feeds, focusing particularly on twitter as a representative data source.

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Theophillis Goodyear: Time for an Open-Source Truth Blitz on CNN and the Boston Bombing Story — Calling All Bloggers — Kick the Crap Out of CNN, Fox Et Al on Boston NOW — May the Force Be With You!

Corruption, Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Governance, Media, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Transparency
Theophillis Goodyear
Theophillis Goodyear

This is a response to Owl's post Owl: Public Awake, Major Media Shredded — the Revolution IS Being Televised!

CNN is having ratings problems. If their subterfuge in Boston becomes common knowledge they will loose credibility and even more viewers. It would be a shot fired across the bow of every other news network. All the prominent muck-raking journals, like Mother Jones, the Nation, etc., should work together and make it happen, just like a blitz in football where everyone goes after the quarterback at once. They're already doing it, but they need to hit CNN hard, gang up on them! It may be a long time before there's another golden opportunity like this. CNN is down right now. With a behemoth like that, this is the best time to kick the crap out of them. And there's no mistaking the fact that they deserve it and in fact are inviting it by their repeated breaches of journalistic ethics. If the shoe was on the other foot they would be kicking the crap out of the little guy. It goes with the territory. They knew the rules when they started playing the game. The bigger they are the harder they fall.

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Owl: Public Awake, Major Media Shredded — the Revolution IS Being Televised!

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Blogger Jon Rappoport offers penetrating insight into the on-going implosion of image-based mass media, and it's good news for truth (emphasis mine):

“Television news is shriveling. And it’s under attack from a new breed. You can call them counter-programmers, video freaks, whatever.  But they’re winning. Every dollar and inch of technology the networks employ move toward an irrefutable image on the screen. “Here it is. Look.”  And counter-programmers say, “Look again. See those guys in the yellow jackets standing right near the bomb when it goes off? They don’t move at all. They’re fine.” There is something very powerful in that response, because people are addicted to images. When the image you’re watching blows up, because somebody forces you to see something new, you start to wake up and effect a cure, even if you don’t want to. Image-addiction is sacred to people…

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