Patrick Meier: Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial
Patrick Meier

Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping

My colleague Duncan Watts recently spoke with Scientific American about a  new project I am collaborating on with him & colleagues at Microsoft Research. I first met Duncan while at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) back in 2006. We recently crossed paths again (at 10 Downing Street, of all places), and struck up a conver-sation about crisis mapping and the Standby Volunteer Task Force (SBTF). So I shared with him some of the challenges we were facing vis-a-vis the scaling up of our information processing workflows for digital humanitarian response. Duncan expressed a strong interest in working together to address some of these issues. As he told Scientific American, “We’d like to help them by trying to understand in a more scientific manner how to scale up information processing organizations like the SBTF without over-loading any part of the system.”

Online Social Science: Can the Web Graduate from Digital Petri Dish to Virtual Laboratory?

Social scientist Duncan Watts talks about how the Web can deliver on its decade-old promises of delivering researchers with unprecedented access to fodder for behavioral research

By Larry Greenemeier

Patrick Meier: UN, Social Media, HUMINT, and Geospatial Decision-Support –a REAL Revolution in Intelligence Affairs

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial
Patrick Meier

How the UN Used Social Media in Response to Typhoon Pablo

Our mission as digital humanitarians was to deliver a detailed dataset of pictures and videos (posted on Twitter) which depicted the damage and flooding following the Typhoon. An overview of this digital response is available here. The task of our United Nations colleagues at the Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), was to rapidly consolidate and analyze our data to compile a customized Situation Report for OCHA’s team in the Philippines. The maps, charts and figures below are taken from this official report (click to enlarge).

Click on Image to Enlarge

This map is the first ever official UN crisis map entirely based on data collected from social media.

One of my main priorities now is to make sure we do a far better job at leveraging advanced computing and microtasking platforms so that we are better prepared the next time we’re asked to repeat this kind of deployment. On the advanced computing side, it should be perfectly feasible to develop an automated way to crawl twitter and identify links to images  and videos.

Click on Image to Enlarge

My colleagues at QCRI are already looking into this. As for microtasking, I am collaborating with PyBossa and Crowdflower to ensure that we have highly customizable platforms on stand-by so we can immediately upload the results of QCRI’s algorithms. In sum, we have got to move beyond simple crowdsourcing and adopt more agile micro-tasking and social computing platforms as both are far more scalable.

One of my main priorities now is to make sure we do a far better job at leveraging advanced computing and microtasking platforms so that we are better prepared the next time we’re asked to repeat this kind of deployment. On the advanced computing side, it should be perfectly feasible to develop an automated way to crawl twitter and identify links to images  and videos.

My colleagues at QCRI are already looking into this. As for microtasking, I am collaborating with PyBossa and Crowdflower to ensure that we have highly customizable platforms on stand-by so we can immediately upload the results of QCRI’s algorithms. In sum, we have got to move beyond simple crowdsourcing and adopt more agile micro-tasking and social computing platforms as both are far more scalable.

Visit Original (one additional graphic).

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: UN, Social Media, HUMINT, and Geospatial Decision-Support –a REAL Revolution in Intelligence Affairs”

Dolphin: Climate Change Meme Project

03 Environmental Degradation, Crowd-Sourcing

Sort of nice, but will it scale?

Climate Meme Project

The Climate Meme Project is a crowd funded, open collaboration initiative to reveal the meme landscape for climate action.

“Our one-day elementary school project, Climate Change is Elementary, bypasses the usual negative discourse by assuming that every educated person agrees that it is a scientific “fact” that the climate is changing and that man is largely to blame.  We do not confront the deniers and skeptics, we circumvent them by taking the school family  directly to a vision of a clean and green future.  We also focus on working with the innovators, the early adopters, and the early majority, who tend to agree with us.  We ignore the late majority and the laggards, or deniers, who will only hold our program back.”

– Dave Finnigan, Founding Director

Visit web site.

Continue reading “Dolphin: Climate Change Meme Project”

Patrick Meier: Twitter Maps and Videos Showing Hurricane Sandy in Real-Time, with Geospatial and Substance Tags

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial
Patrick Meier

The Most Impressive Live Global Twitter Map, Ever?

My colleague Kalev Leetaru has just launched The Global Twitter Heartbeat Project  in partnership with the Cyber Infrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory (CIGI) and GNIP. He shared more information on this impressive initiative with the CrisisMappers Network this morning.

According to Kalev, the project “uses an SGI super-computer to visualize the Twitter Decahose live, applying fulltext geocoding to bring the number of geo-located tweets from 1% to 25% (using a full disambigua-ting geocoder that uses all of the user’s available information in the Twitter stream, not just looking for mentions of major cities), tone-coding each tweet using a twitter-customized dictionary of 30,000 terms,

Click on Image to Enlarge

and applying a brand-new four-stage heatmap engine (this is where the supercomputer comes in) that makes a map of the number of tweets from or about each location on earth, a second map of the average tone of all tweets for each location, a third analysis of spatial proximity (how close tweets are in an area), and a fourth map as needed for the percent of all of those tweets about a particular topic, which are then all brought together into a single heatmap that takes all of these factors into account, rather than a sequence of multiple maps.”

Kalev added that, “For the purposes of this demonstration we are processing English only, but are seeing a nearly identical spatial profile to geotagged all-languages tweets (though this will affect the tonal results).” The Twitterbeat team is running a live demo showing both a US and world map updated in realtime at Supercomputing on a PufferSphere and every few seconds on the SGI website here.”

Read full post with two embedded short videos.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: Twitter Maps and Videos Showing Hurricane Sandy in Real-Time, with Geospatial and Substance Tags”

Berto Jongman: Kristan Wheaton on The New Human Intelligence

Crowd-Sourcing, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Berto Jongman

Two pieces .  Another view, a variation of Stefan Dedijer in 1992, “know who knows;” and Robert Steele in 1995 if not earlier, “do not send a spy where a schoolboy can go

Top 5 Things Only Spies Used To Do (But Everyone Does Now)

#5 — Have a cover story.
#4 — Shake a tail.
#3 — Use passwords and encrypt data.
#2 — Have an agent network.
#1 — Use satellites.

Read full article.

Click on Image to Enlarge



Only an expert case officer with deep contacts can hope to be able to respond to the wide variety of requests for information.  In today's fast moving, crisis-of-the-day type world, the question becomes “Where can I find good sources of information … on this particular topic … quickly?”

Twitter to the rescue!

Read full article.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Kristan Wheaton on The New Human Intelligence”

Eagle: Iceland Leads the Way – Jails the Bankers, Fires the Unethical Politicians, and Crowd-Sources their Constitition

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Politics
300 Million Talons…

Icelanders approve their crowd-sourced constitution

Iceland’s citizens were given a chance to help forge a new constitution for their country through Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they backed the resulting draft. Now it’s over to the politicians.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Iceland was agile and ethical. No other country in distress has matched their intelligence and integrity in action.

See Also:

Graphic: Epoch B Swarm Leadership

Graphic: Ethical Evidence-Based Decisions

2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant – The Public

2013 Robert Steele: Reflections on Inspectors General