Yoda: Elinor Ostrom & Common Pool Resource Theory Applied to Water

Economics/True Cost, Governance, Resilience, Sources (Info/Intel), Transparency
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Endgame issue, water is.

Elinor Ostram's Common Pool Resource theory challenges Garrett Hardin's “Tragedy of the Commons” theory.

Nobel Lecture (2009): Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems

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Jean Lievens: 3D Printing Market — and Superficial True Costs — Rising

Economics/True Cost, Hardware
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

3D Printing Market Tops $3.3 Billion, Expands by 34% in 2014

If you’re wondering about the health of the market for 3D printers and 3D printing technology, put your thoughts at ease.  Market research firm Canalys says almost 133,000 3D printers were shipped around the world during 2014, and that represents a whopping 68% increase over the calendar year 2013.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: 3D Printing Market — and Superficial True Costs — Rising”

Sepp Hasslberger: Energy Revolution — Solar Thermal with No Moving Parts &

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 11 Society, Economics/True Cost, Innovation
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Thermoacoustics – there seems to be a lot going on in the field of the sound and heat (and magnetics) combination.

Clean Solar Thermal Energy Technology with No Moving Parts – Thermoacoustic Stirling Engine

So heat, sound and magnetic fields have been shown to influence each other. This adds to another recent post about students experimentally putting out fires with sound waves…

Landmark study proves that magnets can control heat and sound

Jean Lievens: Will Predatory Sharing Economy Experience a Revolt?

Economics/True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Will there be a revolt in the sharing economy?


It’s a revolution, for sure, but a decidedly one-sided one so far, driven by demand. What does that mean for all these sharers who are, in large part, working for big companies without ever being deemed employees? For now, they’re an unorganised group of suppliers. But that could change, with disruptive results.

Jean Lievens: Beyond the market-state – decentralising power in a sharing society

Access, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

This is broadly in line with what P2P theorist Michel Bauwens refers to as the partner state – a reformed governmental apparatus that builds on the welfare state…

Beyond the market-state: decentralising power in a sharing society

CONCLUSION: Resilient and socially inclusive communities can clearly play an immediate role in the great transition that still lies ahead, but it will remain impossible to establish economic systems that are structurally just and truly sustainable until political power is radically decentralised – especially at the national and global level – and wealth is distributed more equally throughout society. By recognising the global roots of our local struggles, those working towards local alternatives to economic globalisation therefore have a central role to play in democratising our governance systems from the top down as well as the bottom up.

Who Is Vitalik Buterin?

Design, Economics/True Cost, Innovation, P2P / Panarchy, Resilience, Software
Vitalik Buterin
Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin is a programmer, writer, founder of Ethereum, the decentralized web 3.0 publishing platform and co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, a website and print magazine that covers Bitcoin-related topics.[1][2][3] In 2014, Buterin won the World Technology Award for the co-creation and invention of Ethereum.[4] Buterin was born in Russia, grew up in Canada, and currently resides in Toronto, Ontario.

WIkipedia / Vitalik Buterin

Author at BitCoin Magazine

Vitalik Buterin has beaten Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to win the World Technology Network (WTN) award for IT software

Jean Lievens: Anarchist David Graeber on Bullshit Jobs, Rule-Bound Lives, and Importance of Play

Access, Culture, Design, Economics/True Cost, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

He coined the phrase, “We are the 99%.”

David Graeber: ‘So many people spend their working lives doing jobs they think are unnecessary’

I found myself asking: is this what ordinary life, for most people, is really like?” writes the 53-year-old professor of anthropology in his new book The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy. “Running around feeling like an idiot all day? Being somehow put in a position where one actually does end up acting like an idiot?”