Jean Lievens: Forget Sharing — Go Circular Economy

Architecture, Design, Economics/True Cost, Innovation, Manufacturing, Materials, Resilience, Science, Transparency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Forget the ‘sharing economy': technology is about to usher in the ‘circular' economy

A ‘circular supply chain’ using technology can achieve sustainable production and business growth

An open, networked business-to-business platform that connects entire supply chains can serve as the enabler for progressive enterprises with the foresight to seize the opportunity.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Forget Sharing — Go Circular Economy”

Sepp Hasslberger: The Alternative – Rainbow Crystal Land – A Free Sustainable World for Everyone

Access, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Transparency
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Imagining how the world could be … a project for living in harmony with nature and ourselves.

The Alternative – Rainbow Crystal Land


We are searching for an alternative way of doing things, free from the violence, corruption, fear, oppression, injustice, poverty, consumerism, the abuse of power and the destruction of nature of “the mainstream”. Weare seeking an alternative system of true freedom, dignity and equality and a life in peace with ourselves, in peace with each other and in peace with Mother Earth. We are creating an alternative way for our big family of human beings to organise ourselves, to live in oneness with nature and to fulfil the basic needs of everyone.

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Michel Bauwens: P2P Commons Next Steps

Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Proposed Next Steps for the emerging P2P and Commons networks

I believe the time is there to start constructing the following three institutional coalitions:
* The civic/political institution: The Alliance of the Commons
* The economic institution: the P2P/Commons Globa-local « Phyle »
* The political-economy institution: The Chamber of the Commons

Read full post.

Jean Lievens: Open Co-Operativism

Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Economics/True Cost, Innovation, Politics
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Toward an Open Co-Operativism

Pat Conaty and David Bollier, Commons Transition

“The power of open source principles, now proven beyond a doubt, is rapidly proliferating into many other areas of culture, production and social life.  The prospect of more participatory, socially convivial forms of production – accountable to communities and mindful of the larger common good – has never seemed more achievable.  Still, there are important organizational, legal and financial hurdles to overcome – not to mention cultural and political differences – that must be dealt with if co-operatives are to find common ground with digital commoners and peer producers.  Fortunately, there are emerging models such as multi-stakeholder cooperatives that could be vehicles for such cooperation.” Read full paper.

Sepp Hasslberger: Consumers Seeking Health Impacting on Monsanto and Coca Cola

Economics/True Cost
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

It would not be bad if consumer demand forced some of these companies to get into selling actual, healthy food and drink…

Coca-Cola Facing Major Financial Challenges As Sales Steadily Decline

In recent years, consumers have been slowly cutting back on things like soda, junk food, and GMOs, in favor of a more healthy diet. Companies like Monsanto are losing millions as a result, and are struggling to maintain the long-term stability of their businesses. Very soon, these businesses may be forced to either change with market demand, or risk bankruptcy.

Continue reading “Sepp Hasslberger: Consumers Seeking Health Impacting on Monsanto and Coca Cola”