Dolphin: One More Veil Lifted on the Muslim Attack Film

Culture, Politics

Media for Christ and Steve Klein, a California insurance salesman — but where did he get the money?

Players behind anti-Muslim film that incited protests in Mideast linked by anger toward Islam


“I'd say this was the most unprofessional professional film I've worked on,” said Moers, who estimated the cost of production at $100,000. “I don't think anyone took it seriously.”

He said he was paid with a check issued on the account of Abanob Basseley Nakoula, the 20-year-old son of the purported filmmaker.

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Media for Christ President Joseph N. Abdelmasih has not spoken publicly.

Tax records for the charity do not identify any donors other than Abdelmasih, who lent the organization at least $30,000. He did not return phone messages and an email sent to the charity. Kamal Rizk, listed as vice-president on federal records, did not return several phone messages.

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The Media for Christ offices are located just off a freeway and next to a mall with big-box stores in the quiet Los Angeles suburb of Duarte. There is no sign on the building identifying the non-profit.

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Klein has a long history of anti-Muslim activities. He founded Courageous Christians United, which conducts protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques. He also started Concerned Citizens for the First Amendment, which preaches against Muslims and publishes volumes of anti-Muslim propaganda that Klein distributes. The Southern Poverty Law Center says they have been tracking Klein for several years and have labeled two of the organizations he is affiliated with as hate groups.

Read full article.


Chuck Spinney: America, the Muslims, and a Video That Went from Zero to Mach 2 – Origin of the Video Known, Who Took It Into Arabia and Africa Not Known

Josh Kilbourn: “Some Kind of Bizarre Intelligence Operation” Says Actor in Sam Basile Anti-Muhammad Video “Innocence of Muslims”

YouTube (13:50) Sam Bacile Muhammad Video – the Covert Action Film Inflaming Muslims

Gold Trasnformer: SWIFT Against Iran – Huge Mistake, Now SWIFT At Risk

Economics/True Cost, Money, Politics
Gold Transformer

From Jim Sinclair's MineSet:

What this article really said, if you have the eyes to see it, is that China has a system in place to offset the effect of being shut out of the SWIFT system, the economic nuclear weapon of the West. That proves that the premature threat and use of the SWIFT system against Iran will have rendered this economic weapon useless in the future. The mistake the West made prematurely using the economic weapon, the SWIFT system, will come back to haunt the West as extremely expensive. Had this not been used prematurely, it could have shut down major nation’s economic processes by electronically deleting the enemy from the SWIFT system. Therefore the taking and making of settlement on international transaction would have fallen back on only the gold a nation had. Everyone had gotten lazy so both enemies and friends were settling international transactions on SWIFT. History will see this as the mistake of the century. Now all opposed to each other have or are developing their own electronic payment system free of SWIFT.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Dollar no longer primary oil currency – China begins to sell oil using Yuan

Kenneth Schortgen Jr.

Wed, 12 Sep 2012 22:00 CDT

On Sept. 11, Pastor Lindsey Williams, former minister to the global oil companies during the building of the Alaskan pipeline, announced the most significant event to affect the U.S. dollar since its inception as a currency. For the first time since the 1970′s, when Henry Kissenger forged a trade agreement with the Royal house of Saud to sell oil using only U.S. dollars, China announced its intention to bypass the dollar for global oil customers and began selling the commodity using their own currency.

Comment: Lindsey Williams: “The most significant day in the history of the American dollar, since its inception, happened on Thursday, Sept. 6. On that day, something took place that is going to affect your life, your family, your dinner table more than you can possibly imagine.”

“On Thursday, Sept. 6… just a few days ago, China made the official announcement. China said on that day, our banking system is ready, all of our communication systems are ready, all of the transfer systems are ready, and as of that day, Thursday, Sept. 6, any nation in the world that wishes from this point on, to buy, sell, or trade crude oil, can do using the Chinese currency, not the American dollar. – Interview with Natty Bumpo on the Just Measures Radio network, Sept. 11

This announcement by China is one of the most significant sea changes in the global economic and monetary systems, but was barely reported on due to its announcement taking place during the Democratic convention last week. The ramifications of this new action are vast, and could very well be the catalyst that brings down the dollar as the global reserve currency, and change the entire landscape of how the world purchases energy.

Ironically, since Sept. 6, the U.S. dollar has fallen from 81.467 on the index to today’s price of 79.73. While analysts will focus on actions taking place in the Eurozone, and expected easing signals from the Federal Reserve on Thursday regarding the fall of the dollar, it is not coincidence that the dollar began to lose strength on the very day of China’s announcement.


SmartPlanet: Design of Cities Matters — Cuts Emissions!


Building walkable cities cuts emissions more than fuel taxes, study says

New Urbanists have advocated walkable cities and shorter commutes for years. But does investing in this approach — what behavioral economists call “smart growth” — simply look good on paper, or does it produce tangible results?

It does, according to a new study published in the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.

The study, conducted by Sudip Chattopadhyay and Emily Taylor of San Francisco State University, looked at the ways travel demand were impacted by the degree of “smart growth” in a given city. Their findings indicate that people are not as dependent on their cars as common wisdom might suggest. Instead, urban car use patterns are rather elastic. Just a 10 percent increase in “smart growth” amenities can reduce the number of annual vehicle miles traveled by 20 percent.

“We found that changing the way cities are designed would significantly reduce travel demand,” Sudip Chattopadhyay, professor and chair of economics at San Francisco State, said Sept. 13. “People’s travel habits would change, and they would drive less.”

The study provides important insight for urban areas interested in reducing their carbon emissions.

Until now, automobile efficiency standards and carbon taxes have dominated the debate around carbon emissions in the United States. In August, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a new mandate requiring all automobiles to travel 54.4 miles per gallon by 2025. On a parallel front, John Voelcker of the Christian Science Monitor suggested last week that fuel prices should be brought in line with other Western nations:

“Until now, one of the most common means of reducing carbon emissions is implementing a fuel tax hike. “If gasoline prices in the U.S. were in line with those in almost every other industrialized country–closer to $8 a gallon than $4–consumers would be incentivized to cut their consumption, both by buying different cars and by driving less.”

Chattopadhyay and Taylor’s study indicates that smart growth might provide a third, and perhaps more effective, means of cutting carbon emissions. According to the study, a 10 percent increase in the cost of driving one mile only reduces annual miles driven by 18 percent: two percent less than implementing “smart growth” techniques.

As it turns out, then, walkability isn’t just a best practice on paper. It does well in the real world as well.

[Science Daily]

Anthony Judge: Transforming the Art of Conversation

Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Anthony Judge

Transforming the Art of Conversation

Conversing as the transformative science of development

Variety of conventional conversation challenges
Why converse transformatively?
Imagining an art of transformative conversation
Prefixing “verse” as indication of conversation potential
Transformative conversation in a multiverse
Versification as a key to conversational transformation?
Proposed universes and their conversation potential
Conversation understood through a variety of metaphors
Conversational vehicles: conventional and paradoxical
Transformative conversation in the light of interwoven metaphors
Conversing with “oneself”
Conversation, confidence-building and transformative development

Read full article.

See Also:

Anthony Judge at Phi Beta Iota

Michel Bauwens: As Spain’s Recession Darkens, Alternative Economies Rise

Economics/True Cost
Michel Bauwens

Published on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 by Common Dreams

As Spain's Recession Darkens, Alternative Economies Rise

– Common Dreams staff

As Spain's economic recession has continued to deepen, conditions for people within the country are expected to get worse following austerity measures that increasingly cut into everyday economic survival, Reuters reports Tuesday. However, as many economists grapple over numbers, and search for signs of hope for a free market revival, many people within Spain have increasingly started to turn to alternative currency systems, or parallel euro-free economies — giving up the ghost of a neoliberal recovery in exchange for a new way.. . . . . . . .

There are now more than 325 time banks and alternative currency systems in Spain involving tens of thousands of citizens. The projects represent one of the largest experiments in “social money” in modern times.

Read full article.

Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government

P2P / Panarchy, Politics

A lawyer by training and a techie by inclination, Beth Noveck works to build data transparency into government.

How can our data strengthen our democracies? In her work, Beth Noveck explores what “opengov” really means–not just freeing data from databases, but creating meaningful ways for citizens to collaborate with their governments.

Continue reading “Beth Noveck: Demand a more open-source government”

Josh Kilbourn: “Some Kind of Bizarre Intelligence Operation” Says Actor in Sam Basile Anti-Muhammad Video “Innocence of Muslims”

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Knowledge, Law Enforcement, Military, Politics
Josh Kilbourn

The headline quote is a from a participant in the movie!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nakoula made a notorious anti-Islam film — yet he had worked for an Islamic terrorist

I ask readers to pay special attention to the Eiad Salameh connection, which nails the theory that Nakoula worked for spooks…

Additional added note: Or does it? I've recently received information that places the Nakoula/Salameh linkage in a new light. The claim that Eiad Salameh is a PLO terrorist comes from his cousin Walid — whom some people (including Chris Hedges) have labeled a serial hoaxer. Walid, like so many of the players in this drama, hails from what we may call the “Pam Geller ring.” His accusations against Hilarion Cappucci — an aged Greek Orthodox cleric — appear to be spurious.

Still, I have received convincing evidence that Eiad is indeed a crook.

If you're confused — well, read what follows, and the context should become clear.

Continue reading “Josh Kilbourn: “Some Kind of Bizarre Intelligence Operation” Says Actor in Sam Basile Anti-Muhammad Video “Innocence of Muslims””