Mini-Me: Libya-US Ambassador Dies; Syria-Covert Flops; 9/11-Ready to Pop?

Who? Mini-Me?


U.S. Ambassador to Libya Is Killed

Meanwhile, Mali destabilized out of Libya.

YouTube (13:14)  The Big Lie & Dirty War on Syria: the Foreign Subversive Army Massacres its Human Shields in Daraya

Meanwhile, Iraq and Afghanistan implode and Israel gets ready to strike Iran.

Falling Man of 9/11 Still Demands Justice

It was Carl Sagan who wrote ~One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge ~ even to ourselves ~ that we’ve been so credulous. So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new bamboozles rise.”

 Phi Beta Iota:  What interesting times. Government is supposed to be the service of common concern and operating in the public interest–nowhere is this more important than in the fragmented fields of education, intelligence, and research–the foundation of a Smart Nation with a unified soul–and in the fields of counterintelligence, inspections general, and operational test & evaluation.  Unfortunately, if integrity is lacking at the electoral level and the political governance level, the good people trapped in a bad system can have all the integrity in the world, to no avail.  Mini-Mi appears to be focusing on “root” causes, much as Hedrick Smith is focusing on the fundamentals in his new book, Who Stole the American Dream.  Anytime Mini-Me and Hedrick Smith (a giant in the literature on power and the pathologies of power) are on the same meme, that meme is going mainstream.  Corrupt politicians, take note.  Integrity is coming back into fashion.  One way to “reboot” America is with an Electoral Reform Act of 2012.  Another is with an independent Open Source Agency.  This is not rocket science.  America is going into a revolutionary mode soon.  Might be a good idea to start planning for that wave–you can surf it, you cannot control it.

See Also:

2012 PREPRINT: The Craft of Intelligence [Full Text Online]

2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic)

Journal: Reflections on Integrity UPDATED + Integrity RECAP

We the People Reform Coalition


Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Mark Lombardi

Alpha I-L, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Economics/True Cost, Government, Knowledge, Money, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Mark Lombardi & Hillary LNU

Wikipedia Snap-Shot

Mark Lombardi (March 23, 1951 – March 22, 2000) was an American Neo-Conceptualist and an abstract artist who specialized in drawings attempting to document financial and political frauds by power brokers, and in general “the uses and abuses of power.

Lombardi called his diagrams Narrative Structures.. They are structurally similar to sociograms – a type of graph drawing used in the field of social network analysis, and to a lesser degree by earlier artists like Hans Haacke. Other important influences on Lombardi were philosopher Herbert Marcuse,, and visualization expert Edward Tufte

In Lombardi's historical diagrams, each node or connection was drawn from news stories from reputable media organizations, and his drawings document the purported financial and political frauds by power brokers. For instance, his 1999 drawing George W. Bush, Harken Energy and Jackson Stephens, ca 1979–90 shows alleged connections between James Bath, the Bush and bin Laden families, and business deals in Texas and around the world.

The Essence of Lombardi's Work

The small circles in his drawings identified the main players — individuals, corporations and governments — along a time line. The arcing lines showed personal and professional links, conflicts of interest, malfeasance and fraud.

Solid lines traced influence, dotted lines traced assets and wavy lines traced frozen assets. Final denouements like court judgment, bankruptcy and death were noted in red.

Reading several newspapers a day, he culled his information entirely from published sources, keeping track of the articles with a card file that eventually held over 12,000 cards.

Continue reading “Who's Who in Public Intelligence: Mark Lombardi”

Yoda: Mind-Mapping Advances–Listening Does Not

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Crowd-Sourcing, Government, IO Impotency, IO Mapping, P2P / Panarchy
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Behold the Awesome Science of Mind-Mapping An Instructionalicious Guide

Mindmapping is a very serious and well researched subject, or art … or something . Whatever it is a map of the mind is definately something to be valued and this ‘instructionalicious' guide is no exception. Allow this infographic to simultaneously blow and map your mind.

DuckDucklGo Mind-Mapping

Phi Beta Iota:  Tens of billions of dollars are being spent on covert surveillance including the recording of all emails, telephone conversations, and other forms of exchange, but most of this is not being processed.  Worse, it is not being processed toward making sense in the public interest.  It is one thing to focus on the needle in the haystack threat warning.  It is quite another to focus on harnessing the distributed intelligence of the public.  That will be the next big leap for “national intelligence.”

See Also:

Continue reading “Yoda: Mind-Mapping Advances–Listening Does Not”

Michel Bauwens: Alternative Currencies Grow in Popularity

Economics/True Cost
Michel Bauwens

Most of us take for granted that those rectangular green slips of paper we keep in our wallets are inviolable: the physical embodiment of value. But alternative forms of money have a long history and appear to be growing in popularity. It's not merely barter or primitive means of exchange like seashells or beads. Beneath the financial radar, in hip U.S. towns or South African townships, in shops, markets and even banks, people throughout the world are exchanging goods and services via thousands of currency types that look nothing like official tender.  TIME Business

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  In a recent radio show on the East Coast, the single most urgent question was “what do we do if the US dollar collapses?”  Alternative currencies are a huge part of the answer.  Signals are mixed on whether the US will experience hyper-inflation and interruption of common supply chains (food, fuel, water).  On balance we tend to believe that the USA will muddle through and crisis at the neighborhood level will be avoided.

Patrick Meier: Could Twitris+ Be Used for Disaster Response (and Other Apps?)

Patrick Meier

Could Twitris+ Be Used for Disaster Response?

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Hermant Purohit and colleagues who have been working on an interesting semantic social web application called Twitris+. A project of the the Ohio Center of Excellence in Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis), Twitris+ uses “real-time monitoring and multi-faceted analysis of social signals to provide insights and a framework for situational awareness, in-depth event analysis and coordination, emergency response aid, reputation management etc.”

Unlike many other social media platforms I’ve reviewed over recent months, Twitris+ geo-tags content at the tweet-level rather than at the bio level. That is, many platforms simply geo-code tweets based on where a person says s/he is as per their Twitter bio. Accurately and comprehensively geo-referencing social media content is of course no trivial matter. Since many tweets do not include geographic information, colleagues at GeoIQ are seeking to infer geographic information after analyzing a given stream of tweets, for example.

Read full post with graphic.

See Also:

Patrick Meier at Phi Beta Iota

Stephen E. Arnold: Announcing Honk, a Free Weekly Targeted Newsletter About Online Search and Analytics

Stephen E. Arnold

Introducing Honk, a search and analytics newsletter free to subscribers weekly. Honk includes frank assessments of important trends in content processing and information retrieval.Louisville, KY (PRWEB) September 05, 2012 and Stephen E. Arnold, technology and financial analyst, have launched Honk, a search and analytics newsletter free to subscribers weekly. Honk includes frank assessments of important trends in content processing and information retrieval.Honk is a limited-distribution opt-in HTML news product from the editors of Beyond Search (http://arnoldit. …

Read full article.

Visit Honk to opt-in.

Phi Beta Iota:  Stephen E. Arnold remains the virtual CTO for Earth Intelligence Network.  He is the individual whose annual information technology briefings to the annual international conference on “National Security & National Competitiveness: Open Source Solutions,” were so advanced and so good the audience asked that In-Q-Tel no longer be invited.  He continues to be a pioneer in the field, generally the first to notice really important trends.