John Steiner: Whither Fukushima? Whither the World Brain?

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Knowledge
John Steiner

Thanks to: carolwoman <

This 3 minute video was put together by Dan Villalva , a member of  the original Fukushima Response group, in Sonoma County, CA.  More groups are forming around the country, as Yastel Yamada and Tak Okamoto, of the Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima finish their tour of the US..

Also recommended:,

Our group in the Bay Area has selected 3 goals:
1) Mobilizing an international effort to stabilize Fukushima now
2) Assessing and publicizing the impact of the disaster on California
3) Vigiling  Fridays in support of the Japanese people, who are turning out en masse every Friday to stop nuclear reactors in Japan.

If you want to start a group in your area, email me –

Peace, Carol Wolman

Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Culture, Economics/True Cost, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Mapping the social climate change engendering a perfect storm

Checklist of 30 disabling trends
Spiraling trends: cyclones in a climate of change?
Interweaving “cyclones” and “anti-cyclones” in a global system
Emergent polyhedral configuration of alternating systemic functions
Insights from the Conference of the Birds?

See Also:

Anthony Judge: 30 Disabling Global Trends (Checklist)

Full Text with Two Graphics and Many Links Below the Line

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends”

John Steiner: September 4-Week Online Conference, City 2.0 Expo

Access, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Culture, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
John Steiner

FYI and do share.  Many bows to Marilyn.

From: Marilyn Hamilton

Dear friend,

I have big news to share! After months of hard work (well, more like decades actually), I am excited to announce a whole new phase of our Integral City work!  This September I will be hosting an online conference called the City 2.0 that will bring together 50 visionaries and hundreds of representatives from cities from around the world. And I want to invite you to join me!

Amazon Page

As you know, for years I have been writing, teaching, blogging and preparing for new ways to answer the challenges that city stakeholders face—and we are all stakeholders in our planet’s cities.  This September’s conference is the biggest thing to happen in my work since the publication of my book: Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences in the Human Hive.  My colleague Dr. Don Beck remarked that “Marilyn’s two decades of work has created a compelling and important integral and holistic package designed to deal with the unique problems that confront cities”.  And it is that design that I want to co-create with you and other citi-zens from around the world. So we've created the conference to allow people worldwide to participate via web and phone or Skype.

The City 2.0 Expo is a 4-week online conference where we will combine our collective best thinking to envision the future of the city and begin to make plans to build it and make it real.  As someone who has been following my work (and my blog), I'm imagining you are the perfect person to join us.  Don and I will be joined by 50 other authors, experts, and leaders including: Buzz Holling, Bill Rees, Hazel Henderson, Ken Wilber, Terry Patten, Barrett Brown, Jean Houston and many more.  Will you come and help me help the emergence of the dream of Integral City in a global community of practice? Just click the link below to find out more or join the conference.

I am so looking forward to connecting with you at this event!

Meshful blessings,

P.S. Please think about who else in your network would be interested in this. We are always asking “Who else should be here?”

Yoda: Understanding & Appreciating Reddit

Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Inside the Reddit AMA: The Interview Revolution That Has Everyone Talking

It’s the new “Colbert Bump.” The new “Inside the Actor’s Studio.” Possibly even up and coming replacement for oft-sought Rolling Stone cover/interview.

Reddit Sticker (Photo credit: cambodia4kidsorg)

I’m talking about the Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything).


Note to celebrities: Redditors (and the world, frankly) don’t care about the things you are plugging. They are interested in the opportunity to interact with you, the person. If you provide interesting answers to other questions, whatever your plug may be will be warmly accepted. Promote yourself authentically and openly first and then Reddit will find your projects the same. Just ask Louis CK and his $1 millon. Give and you may receive.

Continue reading “Yoda: Understanding & Appreciating Reddit”

SmartPlanet: Conflict-Free Supply Chains – Tracing, Auditing, Certification – Solid Advance in True Cost Economics


The top firms that champion conflict-free supply chains

Intel, HP, and Apple have received top marks for their efforts to eradicate conflict minerals from supply chains in a new report published by the Enough Project.

The anti-genocide nonprofit organization’s report, dubbed “Taking Conflict Out of Consumer Gadgets” (.pdf), researched how leading technology developers and manufacturers use “conflict minerals” in their supply chains since the last report was published in 2010. These types of minerals, including tantalum, tin, and tungsten, are often mined in places which are considered politically unstable, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo — areas that may have civil war, corruption or human rights problems.

Continue reading “SmartPlanet: Conflict-Free Supply Chains – Tracing, Auditing, Certification – Solid Advance in True Cost Economics”