Brian Butler: GE Seeks to Own All Cars, Use Software as Barrier to Generic Repairs and After-Market Parts

Economics/True Cost, Software
Brian Butler
Brian Butler

GM says you don't own your car, you just license it

GM has joined with John Deere in asking the government to confirm that you literally cannot own your car because of the software in its engine. Like Deere, GM wants to stop the Copyright Office from granting an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that would allow you to jailbreak the code in your car's engine so that you can take it to a non-GM mechanic for service, or fix it yourself. By controlling who can service your car, GM can force you to buy only official, expensive parts, protecting its bottom line.

Robert Steele: Saving Civilization – Time & Truth Matter

#OSE Open Source Everything, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David Steele Vivas
Robert David Steele Vivas

Short URL:

The tide has clearly turned against the techno-financial paradigm that disregards natural capital costs and exploits the 99% in favor of the 1%. Even a few billionaires have figured this out.

Time, however, is not on our side, nor is truth easy to find in today's severely corrupt information environment where all eight tribes of information — including self-absorbed “progressive” activists — operate on no more than 2% of the relevant information and ignore the three things that I consider essential to saving civilization and creating a prosperous world at peace, a world that works for all: holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Saving Civilization – Time & Truth Matter”

Jean Leavins: Blockchain Will Decentralize Everything!

Advanced Cyber/IO, Design, Economics/True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

How Blockchain Technology Might Decentralise Everything (Not Just Currency!)

Do you know that blockchain technology could decentralise everything and not just currency? Do you even know what Blockchain is? One example that you just might have heard of is Bitcoin, the online currency. That in itself may not enlighten you to what blockchain is, however. According to Pearl Chan (2015) reporting for Venture Beat, a blockchain is:

“A transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system. In essence it is a distributed method of tracking and transferring assets online without need for a trusted party.”

Neil Peters: CrowdBucks Overview

Neil Peters
Neil Peters

The idea behind our “social” currency concept is simple; the banks have had a very long-standing monopoly on creating and managing our money, and they have abused this unprecedented power in order to take everyone's wealth — and give virtually nothing but grief and misery in return…  Thanks to new technologies we no longer need the banks to create our money, and so CrowdBucks was created to show people how they create their own value-backed currencies, plus we provide a flexible marketplace platform for people to conduct trade without using expensive bank-issued money, etc.

CrowdBucks Overview   .   About CrowdBucks   .   CrowdBucks Commerce   .   CrowdBucks Youtube is currently at a pre-launch stage and is actively seeking partners and investors.

Sepp Hasslberger: Open Modular Hardware

Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

How to localise manufacturing – go modular and build for re-use…

How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware

Reverting to traditional handicrafts is one way to sabotage the throwaway society. In this article, we discuss another possibility: the design of modular consumer products, whose parts and components could be re-used for the design of other products. Initiatives like OpenStructures, Grid Beam, and Contraptor combine the modularity of systems like LEGO, Meccano and Erector with the collaborative power of digital success stories like Wikipedia, Linux or WordPress.