Pierre Levy: Etienne Chouard on A True Democracy

Cultural Intelligence, Politics
Pierre Levy

For all, this 55 year old teacher reveals that “our misfortunes” (ecological catastrophy, destruction of civil services in public administration, work slavery, the reign of money…) have been made possible “because of our incapacity to resist”. He indicates “I will do like Hippocrates did. I try to find the root of the causes. It is vain to fight against consequences.” He believes that this “impotency to resist”, this “infantilization”, is “programmed in the Constitution”. Since “those who write the Constitutions first think of how to preserve their own interests”, to “change things” and put in place “a real democracy”, he sees only one way forward: to randomly draw citizens who will write by themselves a new Constitution.

YouTube (1:08:55)

Phi Beta Iota:  In French (verbal) with superbly executed English sub-titles.  As soon as the film starts, roll the cursor over the second red button in lower right of the YouTube screen (has small white CC inside the red box) and click, this turns on the subtitles.

More by the same speaker, seven-part series on “Is Democracy a Trap?”

Mini-Me: Time for NATO Truth & Reconciliation Commission? + NATO RECAP

Corruption, Government, Military, Politics
Who? Mini-Me?


DATE OF EVENT:  1980-06-27

2012-08-26  Botched 1980 Gaddafi Assassination Kills All Aboard

2012-08-25 An Assassination of International Proportions 27 June 1980 and A Cover-Up by NATO : civilian jet with 81 civilians shot by French Mirage instead of Qaddafi Plane over Sicily

2012-07-06 Wikipedia / Aerolinee Itavia Flight 870

Click on Image to Enlarge

2011-10-18 Libyan secret documents said to uncover

Ustica tragedy… and how Gaddafi escaped to Malta unscathed


2006-07-21  The mystery of flight 870

2004-05-03  Itavia 870 DC-9 I-TIGI Unsolved Crash

1999-10-04 What DID happen to Itavia Flight 870?

Continue reading “Mini-Me: Time for NATO Truth & Reconciliation Commission? + NATO RECAP”

Patrick Meier: How Civil Resistance Protests Improve Crowdsourced Disaster Response (and Vice Versa)

Geospatial, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Patrick Meier

Phi Beta Iota:  This may well be the most important post Dr. Patrick Meier has done to date.  Robert Steele is writing a new chapter or article, Public Administration in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant — The Public that will integrate and expand on the core insight at the conclusion of the below post: routing around government may be the most important non-violent ethical means of displacing corrupt governments and restoring the sovereignty of the public.

How Civil Resistance Protests Improve Crowdsourced Disaster Response (and Vice Versa

When Philippine President Joseph Estrada was forced from office following widespread protests in 2001, he complained bitterly that ”the popular uprising against him was a coup de text.” Indeed, the mass protests had been primarily organized via SMS. Fast forward to 2012 and the massive floods that recently paralyzed the country’s capital. Using mobile phones and social media, ordinary Filipinos crowdsourced the disaster response efforts on their own without any help from the government.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: How Civil Resistance Protests Improve Crowdsourced Disaster Response (and Vice Versa)”

Chuck Spinney: How Hot is Hot? Case Study in Government Misrepresentation

Knowledge, Politics
Chuck Spinney

Below is a very important 2 part analysis of the meaning of the recent heat wave in the US and and the nature of reported temperature increases in general, and whether or not they can be attributed to increases in CO2 concentrations.

The author, John Christy, is a highly regarded climatologist, albeit a skeptical one.  At the end of Part II, Christie gently eviscerates the recent analysis by climate activist/scientist James Hansen, et al, by definitively showing how Hansen's analysis is biased to produce a preordained answer, both in terms of Hansen's  selection of its data interval and his metric of choice. (See Hansen's op-ed in Washington Post here and I would urge readers to download his report).  Anyone interested in trying to sort the wheat from the chaff in the climate wars ought to study these two papers. (I have not changed a word, but reformatted them in a few places, breaking paragraphs into “bullets” and highlighted i; I also inserted a few comments in [red] to clarify his points.)
Chuck Spinney
Gaeta, Italia
August 13th, 2012 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

guest post by John Christy, UAHuntsville, Alabama State Climatologist

Let me say two things up front.

  1. The first 10 weeks of the summer of 2012 were brutally hot in some parts of the US. For these areas it was hotter than seen in many decades.
  2. Extra greenhouse gases should warm the climate. We really don’t know how much, but the magnitude is more than zero, and likely well below the average climate model estimate.

Now to the issue at hand. The recent claims that July 2012 and Jan-Jul 2012 were the hottest ever in the conterminous US (USA48) are based on one specific way to look at the US temperature data. NOAA, who made the announcement, utilized the mean temperature or TMean (i.e. (TMax + TMin)/2) taken from station records after adjustments for a variety of discontinuities were applied. In other words, the average of the [adjusted] daily high and daily low temperatures is the metric of choice for these kinds of announcements.

Unfortunately, TMean is akin to averaging apples and oranges to come up with a rather uninformative fruit.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: How Hot is Hot? Case Study in Government Misrepresentation”

Anthony Judge: Recognizing the Psychosocial Boundaries of Remedial Action

Culture, Economics/True Cost, Geospatial, Knowledge, Politics
Anthony Judge

31st October 2009 | Draft

Recognizing the Psychosocial Boundaries of Remedial Action

constraints on ensuring a safe operating space for humanity


Planetary boundaries of the environmental system
Necessity for urgent action, globally, regionally and locally
Global remedial action boundaries
Substantiating the remedial capacity boundaries
Polyocular strategic vision
Systemic isomorphism
Representation of boundaries of coherence of complex systems
In quest of systemic functional connectivity

Full Paper

Worth a Look: Beyond Intractability – Online Learning At Its Best


Efforts to limit the terrible destructiveness commonly associated with intractable conflicts ultimately depend on the ability of people in a full range of conflict roles to successfully play their part in a broad peacebuilding effort. Though each circumstance is, to some degree, unique, there is also much to be learned from others who have solved similar problems before. The goal of the Beyond Intractability (BI) system is to make such knowledge more widely and freely accessible, so people aren't forced to “reinvent the wheel.” To the extent we can all contribute to a knowledge base on better ways of approaching and transforming intractable conflicts, the closer we can come to limiting the destructiveness of these situations around the world.

The project does not advocate or teach one particular approach. Rather, it provides access to information on many approaches which can then be adapted to many different situations. Our goal is to give people new ideas to think about and new hope. As a free Internet service, BI provides information that is much more affordable and accessible than traditional training programs or hard-to-find books. BI is also constantly growing and changing, making the breadth, depth, and potential of the peacebuilding field more clearly visible.

Learn more.

John Steiner: Fix Our America — Many Small Donations Against A Few Large Bribes

P2P / Panarchy, Politics
John Steiner

Join the Great Cooperation to Begin America Again, Finally Freed From Money-Bought Politics

Want Massive Positive Change? Here's the Easiest, Surest Way!

Our Mission: Fix the Constitution! We seek to rally you and most Americans around a shared belief that our utmost, urgent task must be to amend the U.S. Constitution to eliminate the vicious, corrupting and undemocratic role of private and corporate campaign money in elections. By doing so, we also seek to make ending our system of money-bought governance – whereby big donors purchase the policies they want while the rest of us have no real say – a must-cover story in the media and a must-do goal in the minds of our politicians. 

Fix Our America, started by business and civic leaders, is the only election reform group at this point whose sole purpose is to mount the saturation advertising and marketing campaign needed to mobilize Americans in support of campaign finance reform via Constitutional amendments already introduced in Congress. Whatever your political persuasion, this is your opportunity to have a huge positive impact on our governance and politics with little effort on your part.

Our Plan: Saturate America with a Massive Multimedia Advertising Campaign Essential to Educate the Public

Continue reading “John Steiner: Fix Our America — Many Small Donations Against A Few Large Bribes”