Chalres Faddis: Hunger Line Moves North Across Europe

Charles Faddis

The Hunger Line: The food crisis hits Europe

Much of the United States has been suffering for months under drought conditions. The same has been true in key agricultural areas of Europe. The production of corn, soybeans and wheat is down dramatically worldwide, and the fears of hunger are escalating. Soaring corn, soybean, and wheat prices have caught the attention of governments around the world.

World food prices rose 10% in July, held steady in August and then climbed again by 1.4% September. A look at the rise in the price of crops most directly affected by the drought is even more disturbing. Corn prices, for instance, are up over 60% since June. Soybean prices are up by more than a third.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Most of the focus of concern regarding rising food prices is on the Third World. In the United States, families typically spend a relatively small portion of their income on food, and they have the capacity to absorb increases in food prices without feeling true pain. That is not true in the poorer nations of Africa and Asia where people often live on less than $2 a day and spend 50-70% of their income on food. Under these conditions, even a modest increase in food prices can mean disaster. In 2007-2008 similar declines in agricultural production and the rise in food prices that resulted triggered riots across the developing world.

But, this year for the first time in many decades a new front is opening in the war on hunger, one many, many miles from Sub-Saharan Africa or India. That front is in Europe.

Read full article.

Michel Bauwens: The Third Wave: Peer-to-Peer Immaterial Expansion

Economics/True Cost, P2P / Panarchy, Uncategorized
Michel Bauwens

Peer to peer and the feudal transition

Executive Summary:

First Wave: Extensive Development (Expansion across Space using Slaves)

Second Wave: Intensive Development (Material Development Upgrading Slaves to Serfs)

Third Wave:  P2P Development (Immaterial Developments Upgrading Serfs to Seers)

10 September 2012

In this thought capsule, inspired by the reading of the very stimulating book Deep History by David Laibman, I’m not going to claim, as others have done, that we are going to evolve to some kind of neo-medievalism, or a new period of dark ages. But rather, that there are some interesting similarities between the slavery-to-feudal transition and the capitalism to P2P transition.

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John Steiner: Bottom-Up Distributed Resilient / Sustainable Communities

John Steiner

Email Extract:

The movement is stronger than ever – and hundreds of these sites are now over 20 years old, and are the primary shapers of local/regional policy. Hope you are well. Left you a VM re convergence last eve.

• A distributed non-centralized movement of thousands of “healthy / livable / sustainable community” initiatives are thriving around the nation that are applying trans-partisan, trans-sector, trans-issue, trans-jurisdictional, and trans-generational strategies — to increase equitable prosperity and improve the health of people and places. connects over 4,500 of these place-based efforts, and provides them with data sources, GIS mapping, storytelling and mobilization tools.

Then…the ‘new creation’ language could be right – and it’s already happening. So in my speech in Washington DC yesterday to United Ways from around the nation – I was talking more about getting to scale, visibility and impact — more than starting something new. Folks working on the ground without the fanfare of the big names, and marquis orgs are maxed. So we are finding better framing around reaching ‘collective impact’ via lifting up and leveraging the goodness underway now — a movement of citizens applying trans-partisan practices and exhibit such qualities.

See Also:

Graphic: Integrity versus Corruption in Feedback Loops Over Three Eras

World Index of Social and Environmental Responsibility (WISER)

Tom Atlee, Empowering Public Wisdom: A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics (North Atlantic Editions, 2012)

Robert Steele, THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust (North Atlantic Editions, 2012)

Mark Tovey (ed.), COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Pleace (Earth Intelligence Network, 2008)

ShadowStats: USA Hyperinflation, 2014 Outside Date for Economic Collapse



January 25, 2012

U.S. Hyperinflationary Great Depression Moves Ever Closer

U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Effectively Have Destroyed
Global Confidence in the U.S. Dollar

Systemic-Solvency and Economic Crises Have Not Abated

Precursors to Ultimate Dollar Disaster Are in Place;
2014 Remains the Outside Timing for Same

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Occupy First Alternative Voting Experiment



Occupy Wall Street Politics & Electoral Reform Working Group Releases Report on First Voting Experiment Survey Sample, Prepares for Election Day Alternative Voting Study
Make Voting Count: An Experiment in Alternative Voting Methods

NEW YORK, NY – July, 2012. The Politics & Electoral Reform Working Group of Occupy Wall Street has released the results of its first major alternative voting methods experiment. The test was a trial run for a planned exit poll-style survey to be conducted on Election Day this November in a strategically chosen district in New York City. The present survey of over 300 individuals was conducted at Occupy Wall Street events in April and May, and tested three alternative voting methods – approval voting, range voting and instant runoff voting – against the traditional system most commonly employed in the United States, namely, plurality voting.

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