Mongoose: Huge extensive research list for plandemic including may whistleblower doctors and websites

07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence

Huge extensive research list for plandemic including may whistleblower doctors and websites

f you’re interested, here is a list I have been compiling of some of the most prominent, world renowned medical professionals, including virologists and epidemiologists, speaking publicly on this very thing, as well as other important links. I’ve been compiling this resource list as a part of my own independent research:

Vax Truth Doctors:

Dr. Robert W. Malone (invented mRNA vax—see video below)

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Jim Fetzer: The $33,000,000 Sandy Hook Settlement is Insurance Fraud

Jim Fetzer

Jim Fetzer, The $33,000,000 Sandy Hook Settlement is Insurance Fraud

In response to the announced settlement between Remington and families of nine of the alleged victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, I have authorized William Sumner Scott, one of the attorneys handling my defense to Pozner claims against me pending before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, to contact the CEO of Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, which wholly owned subsidiary Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company, together with AXA XL, will be saddled with most, if not all, of the $33,000,000 payout, to assert that this appears to be an elaborate scam.

I am eager and willing to produce evidence (see below) that would demonstrate nobody died at Sandy Hook. Below is a copy of the letter to David H. Long, the Liberty Mutual CEO.  The letter sent to C. Scott Gunter, the AXA XL US CEO, is substantially the same.

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Tom Lee: Intrinsic Participation and the Great Co-Creative Dance

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Intrinsic Participation and the Great Co-Creative Dance

In this essay I expand on the idea of “intrinsic participation”, a concept I introduced in “Creative Participation of the Whole – a North Star concept”. It stresses that our efforts at participatory democracy are manifestations of a far larger Reality in and with which we are forever dancing – this participatory, co-incarnational universe. It notes that we couldn’t NOT participate if we tried! The implications of that Reality are quite vast….

We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. – Martin Luther King

In 1986 I participated with 400 others in the cross-country Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament from Los Angeles to Washington, DC. It took 9 months and contained many unusual events – like this and this – which launched me on my explorations of co-intelligence.

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Tom Lee: Offerings for a New Paradigm Politics

Cultural Intelligence, Government
Tom Atlee

Offerings for a New Paradigm Politics

We are near the end of our summer fundraiser. Folks have donated $3274 toward our $15,000 target. Please join them in supporting our work.

I was recently in a symposium exploring what was needed for a “new paradigm politics”. The organizers hoped to engage attendees in outlining a new global Constitution. I was given a keynote opportunity to inspire them. I drafted several approaches to what I might say. I offer two of them here for their possible lasting value. I never actually shared the first one, and I fear the second was shared to quickly to be understood by most listeners. Both of them are grounded in a fundamental, dynamic polarity of wholeness: unity and connection dancing with diversity and separation. I share them here for your inspiration and reflect

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Yoda: Dr. Stella Immanuel Launches $100 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CNN After Being Vindicated on Hydroxychloroquine

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media

Dr. Stella Immanuel Launches $100 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CNN After Being Vindicated on Hydroxychloroquine

Dr. Stella Immanuel, the pro-hydroxychloroquine doctor who was derided by the fake news media for attempting to save lives near the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, is striking back against CNN.

Immanuel has launched a $100 million lawsuit against CNN and host Anderson Cooper for what she believes were false and defamatory statements made against her character.

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Mongoose: Conceptual Map & Image

Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence

Alert Reader has provided the two below images.

The first is provocative at a kindergarten level and the second is both simplistic and inaccurate. Both leave out most of the major players.

Both are useful to shifting through from the 1% to those above them, but as Penny Kelly has pointed out, the negative stellars appear to be on the run, humanity is rising to its potential with support from positive stellars, and from where we sit, everyone is either making the deal or dying.  WE HAVE IT ALL.

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