EUCOM Week in Review Ending 30 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: A breakdown of Iran’s missile arsenal 09/28/09 AA: Dialogue urged for Nagorno-Karabakh 09/29/09 AA: Obstacles on the path to world peace – Russia Now 09/28/09 AL: Topi says Albania aware of NATO responsibilities 09/25/09 CY: Cyprus Negotiators Running Out Of Time – Report 09/29/09‎ GR: Growing support for Greece’s far-right maverick party …

AFRICOM: Week in Review Ending 28 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Support Urged for Fragile States in Sub-Saharan Africa 09/22/09 AO: Angolan Riches Lure New Wave of Workers 09/28/09 CF: CAR: Malnutrition hits towns as world crisis cuts diamond demand … 09/24/009 DZ: Violent clash between Harraga from Tiaret and smugglers 09/28/09 KE: Kenya Government’s tough new rules for media 09/27/09 KE: Somali …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 17 September 2009

Hot Topics AA:  New tape from al-Qaeda leader bin Laden released 09/14/09 AE: TALON Laser-Guided Rocket Team completes first guided test flights 09/14/09 AE: UAE confession was ‘under duress’ 09/14/09 AF:  Afghanistan’s Other Front 09/16/09 AF:  Al Qaeda calls for foreign civilian kidnappings in Afghanistan 09/16/09 EG: Egypt Defends Killing of Migrants Trying to Cross …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 10 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Gulf states grapple with jihadist threat 09/09/09 AA:  Terrorists Shift Focus to Hotels and ‘Soft’ Targets, Study Says 09/08/09 AA: Resolving the displaced Palestinians problem 09/10/09 AF:  The Reporter’s Account: 4 Days With the Taliban 09/09/09 BH:  NSA official to testify in terror trial 09/10/09 EG: Egyptians irked by ‘Ramadan Eating’ arrests …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 9 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Central banks of Belarus and Lithuania sign cooperation agreement 09/07/09 AA: Ex-Siemens Manager’s Extradition to Greece Blocked 09/04/09 AA: France takes over Nato post 09/09/09 AA: Georgian journalist requests asylum in South Ossetia 09/04/09 GE: Georgia to free jailed Turkish sea captain: official 09/08/09 IL: Israel must live up to its commitment …