Stephen E Arnold: Are 15 Square Feet Enough? A Question for the Google

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Are 15 Square Feet Enough? A Question for the Google

I flipped through the dead tree edition of the outstanding sun-like Wall Street Journal this morning (June 15, 2021). And what did I find inside the edition which sometimes makes its way to Harrod’s Creek, Kentucky? The answer was a four page ad in the Murdoch infused Wall Street Journal. Each page is about 23 inches by 24 inches. That works out to 552 square inches (give or take a few due to variances in trim sizes) per page. With four pages, the total is more than 2,208 square inches of dead tree space or larger than the vinyl floor protector under my discount store office chair and that of one of my assistant’s floor protectors. Which is better vinyl floor protectors or dead tree paper? I am on the fence.

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Mongoose: White House Lays Groundwork to Target Conservatives as ‘Domestic Terrorists’

07 Other Atrocities, Government

White House Lays Groundwork to Target Conservatives as ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Today the White House lays the groundwork to target conservatives as ‘domestic terrorists’.

This may seem shocking to some but they are claiming that racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists pose the greatest terrorism threat in the United States.

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READ IT: 29 Sheriffs Promise To Safeguard Second Amendment As Biden Cracks Down On Gun Rights

Corruption, Government

READ IT: 29 Sheriffs Promise To Safeguard Second Amendment As Biden Cracks Down On Gun Rights

All 29 sheriffs in the state of Utah have signed their names to a lengthy statement emphasizing their commitment to safeguard the Second Amendment as President Joe Biden promises an executive crackdown on gun rights and Congressional and local Democrats continue to advocate gun control measures.

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Robert Steele: Is FBI Corrupt, Stupid, or Part of the Wrestlemania Drama?

Cultural Intelligence

I am going toward Location 23 to meet the Sheriff of Tulare County, Califonia with Sheriff Richard Mack and others in five wrapped coaches headed toward Mount Rushmore.

The below headline, while alarming, is bullshit.  The FBI is both corrupt and stupid at some levels, but totally honest and patriotic at other levels.

I believe Q and the Anons have been a vital part of the Truth & Reconciliation movement of which I am one of handful of national leaders, and it has not escaped FBI notice that not only am I totally pure and surrounded by elected sheriffs, but we have every email, every cell call, and every banking transaction for every FBI person guilty of treason and crimes against the public interest.  These individuals know they are vulnerable to absolute take-down, so my “appraisal” of this story is that it is manufactured drama.

FBI Triggers Politically Strategic Narrative, Highlights Q-Anon Supporters as Domestic Violent Extremists.

Thirteen of the 20 states that demanded the Supreme Court declare the 2020 election fraudulent are now implementing total audits.  Thockmorton vs US will prevail — outcomes based on fraud are overturned once the fraud is revealed.

Non-violence, truth, and reconciliation rooted in truth, are the order of the day.

Matthew Ehret: How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America

Cultural Intelligence

How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America

Until recently I had believed like many that Jimmy Carter is not your typical politician. Standing out from the vast array of sellouts and establishment hacks, the ex-President has often appeared as the lone voice of reason in America’s establishment calling out the injustices of American military, the wrongs of the Zionist lobby and the self-destructive nature of the American oligarchy. Surely a man who speaks so candidly cannot be bad.

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