
This is the primary point of access to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (over 80 contributors curated by Robert Steele) and the Journal (in gestation). Our present daily practice is to load between five and ten items a day, and to send to each subscriber (no cost) an end of day email listing …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 9 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Central banks of Belarus and Lithuania sign cooperation agreement 09/07/09 AA: Ex-Siemens Manager’s Extradition to Greece Blocked 09/04/09 AA: France takes over Nato post 09/09/09 AA: Georgian journalist requests asylum in South Ossetia 09/04/09 GE: Georgia to free jailed Turkish sea captain: official 09/08/09 IL: Israel must live up to its commitment …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 3 September 2009

Hot Topics AA:  Al-Qaeda launchpad in Yemen gives Saudis new headache 09/02/09 AF:  Warlord’s Defection Shows Afghan Risk 09/02/09 AF:  What’s Right With Afghanistan 09/02/09 IQ:  Iraq al Qaeda militant says Syria trained him 08/31/09 KG: US troops ordered out of Kyrgyzstan after Russia deal 08/30/09 PK:  Pakistan’s most-wanted: look at who isn’t listed 09/01/09 …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 2 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: NGOs discuss the future of nuclear power in Europe and Bulgaria 08/28/09 AZ: Karabakh Peace Process Must Be Fully Inclusive 09/01/09 CY: ‘North Cyprus isolation crime against humanity’ 09/02/09 CZ:  Czech soldiers have extremist leanings – military counterintelligence report 09/02/09 IL: ARMING TERRORIST ISRAEL 08/31/09 IL:  NICE to Enhance Security Offering With …

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 1 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: ARMOR: Improvised Armor In South America 08/29/09 AA: Falkland/Malvinas experience repeatedly recalled in Unasur summit 08/30/09 AA: Latin American Physical Security Market Growing: Report 08/31/09 AA: Mexico and Argentina move towards decriminalising drugs 08/31/09 CO: “An eternal battle against oblivion” 08/31/09 CO: Meeting a Girl FARC Guerrilla in Bogotá 08/29/09 GT: Malnutrition …