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EUCOM Week in Review Ending 26 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: Militarization of scientific research could spawn deadlier weapons 08/24/09 AA: The truth is adrift with the Arctic Sea [Russian Bio-Chem to Iran] 08/25/09 DE: Anti-German Jihadist videos flood internet 08/21/09 GR: Embassy speaks out after disputed website comment 08/21/09 IL: Boycotts only harden Israeli opinion 08/24/09 IL: Israel: A Stalemated Action of …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 19 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: BALKANS: Back to Arms, if not War 08/18/09 AA: Expert: Russian military base in Armenia potentially dangerous 08/17/09 AA: Gwynne Dyer: Basque terrorism offers lessons to the world 08/18/09 CY: Government striving for viable and functional solution to Cyprus … 08/17/09 DE: German firms fear losing lucrative Iranian market 08/19/09 DE: Germany—Military …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 16 August 2009

Hot Topics AU: Australian troops kill Afghan officer 08/12/09 AU: Commentary: Australian editors anti-China rant violates press ethics 08/14/09 AU: Investors cheer Chinese takeover of Felix 08/14/09 BD: Bangladesh mourns founding leader amid security 08/15/09 BD: Bangladesh moves to bring home coup fugitives 08/12/09 CN: Can China save the world economy? 08/14/09 CN: China: Filtering …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 13 August 2009

Hot Topics AF:  Potent Bombs Slow Marine Offensive 08/11/09 AF: As Afghan Vote Nears, Taliban Step Up Intimidation 08/12/09 IQ:  Al Qaeda blamed for Iraq violence wave 08/10/09 IR:  Iran judiciary looks to calm prison abuse outrage 08/09/09 PK: Life, death and the Taliban: Blowback 08/10/09 PK:  Pakistan denies militants attacked nuclear sites 08/12/09 PK: …