Trump Triumph Part II: $100 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street Recoverable — Robert Steele’s Open Letter to the President

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

11 June 2020

Open Letter to the President

Leverage NSA, Clean Up Wall Street, Engage Authentic Black Leaders

Mr. President,

It is my good fortune to be a former spy and also good friends with Bill Binney and known to Mike Flynn.  It has taken me months to arrange for Bill Binney to speak on the record, in a sixteen minute video at With ten people in thirty days Bill can deliver all the data you need to confiscate, through civil and criminal forfeiture, $100 trillion (or more) in assets acquired by varied Wall Street financial criminals among whom Goldman Sachs is by far the largest, using naked short selling and money laundering to steal from all.

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Trump Triumph Part III: Zionists, Antifa, Silicon Valley Exposed

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Candace Owens Fundraiser For Alabama Bar Canceled By GoFundMe, Suspends Account

Phi Beta Iota: In combination with the AIPAC and ADL alliance with Soros and Antifa and DNC, what this really means is “open season” against Silicon Valley. Once 9/11 and Epstein and NSA disclosures on Wall Street's $200 trillion in illicit assets (half naked short selling, half money laundering) are made, the Zionists are OVER and so is Antifa. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are “dead men walking” with no future.

Continue reading “Trump Triumph Part III: Zionists, Antifa, Silicon Valley Exposed”

Trump Triumph Part IV: Precision Death for Domestic Terrorists?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

CIA Assassins Attack US Air Force Plane Carrying ANTIFA Terrorist Leaders

Phi Beta Iota: Sorcha Fall (David Booth) is a gifted fabricator based in the DC area. His gift is the ability to craft a notional but often accurate narrative supported by verifiable link. The paid riots have collapsed. The elite leaders are on notice.  We have it all.


#SoulWar Thead @ Twitter

Steven Vervaecke: Matrix (Riot) Evolving, #GoogleGestapo Antithesis

Advanced Cyber/IO

The secure protocol Matrix is evolving into a truly peer to peer design. It currently still requires a server but with the new Alpha version it is truly peer to peer browser based. Their aim is a hibrid model that can do everything. If you want a server, do that, if you want browser based, do that. truly interconnected! here are all the details:

If they get this right, they will be a serious protocol hard to ignore. The core Matrix team maintains bridges to Slack, IRC, XMPP and Gitter, and meanwhile the wider Matrix community provides bridges for Telegram, Discord, WhatsApp, Facebook, Hangouts, Signal and many more.Even our beloved activity pub(Mastodon) can be plugged in.

I have since a few weeks ditched telegram in favor of Matrix (Client: riot)

See Also:

Anthony Judge: Global Insight from Crown Chakra Dynamics in 3D? Strategic viability through interrelating 1,000 perspectives in virtual reality

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Global Insight from Crown Chakra Dynamics in 3D?

Strategic viability through interrelating 1,000 perspectives in virtual reality

Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Global Insight from Crown Chakra Dynamics in 3D? Strategic viability through interrelating 1,000 perspectives in virtual reality”