Archbishop Viganò: The Great Reset: The Latest Great Lie, 30 May 2021

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Archbishop Viganò: The Great Reset: The Latest Great Lie, 30 May 2021

I exhort you to be witnesses of Christ, courageous champions of Truth and Goodness: on the benches of Parliament, in hospital wards, from the chairs of schools and universities, from the altar and the pulpit, at work, in the office, in the shop, in the family, in your daily commitments and, yes, even in pains and trials. Be worthy heirs of the Saints who have preceded you, remembering that you will have to answer for your silence, your complicity, and your cooperation with evil: if you can escape the condemnation of men, you will not be able to escape the judgment of God; just as you will be rewarded for the good you have done and witnessed to. Continue reading “Archbishop Viganò: The Great Reset: The Latest Great Lie, 30 May 2021”

Matthew Ehret: The End of Closed System Geopolitics and the Rise of Open System Development- Vernadsky’s Law for the 21st Century

Cultural Intelligence

Matthew Ehret: The End of Closed System Geopolitics and the Rise of Open System Development- Vernadsky’s Law for the 21st Century

It has become popular today among the scientific community, to proclaim as a matter of fact, that the universe is ultimately governed by death and decay on the large scale and randomness on the microscale.

While it is rare that this chilling popular theory is explicitly stated in such direct terms as I lay out, the very idea of Big Bang Cosmology so prevalent among modern scientists demands that death be the dominant feature of reality. This theory postulates that since there is much much more non-living material in the universe than there is living material, and since all of this only arose from a cold infinite ocean of nothingness 13.7 billion years ago, that we will once again return to that ‘natural’ state of equilibrium at some point in the distant future. Not only this, but the Big Bang theory also forces us to presume certain other absurdities as unquestionable… such as the belief that the universe itself being bounded in time, must also be bounded in space with external physical limits outside of which nothingness embraces us from all sides. If this were true, then how could nothing create something, let alone contain “something”?

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MONGOOSE: Fauci Lied, People Died

07 Other Atrocities

MONGOOSE: Fauci Lied, People Died

In this episode, I break down a very short window of time from Jan 31, 2020 to Feb 2 – 2020 when Fauci met with key representatives of the Wellcome Trust, WHO, NIH and senior private virologists.  They presumably discussed prior and ongoing gain of function experiments on SARS CoV viruses as well as the lab leak origin theory that was worriedly gaining steam out in the public eye.

Mere days after this meeting a wall of scientific opinion coupled to air-tight media backing concluded that SARS-CoV-2 could not have come from a lab but must​ have been of natural origin.
We now know this was not based on science but was a predetermined conclusion in search of supporters and which made declarative statements that could not possibly have been grounded in actual science.

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The Steele Report-Questions Being Answered on Spy Improv for Week Ending June 5, 2021


The Spy Improv Weekly Questions will be pre-recorded by Robert and posted TODAY (June 5, 2021) by 3 pm EST at


ARISE   is the tour enlightening anyone new? How important is it to have like-minded people be able to meet face to face and share ideas?

ARISE   Are you seeing many Democrat and other party supporters turning up to your tour? Or just Republicans? Continue reading “The Steele Report-Questions Being Answered on Spy Improv for Week Ending June 5, 2021”

Stephen E Arnold: Professional Publishing and Professional Cheaters

IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Professional Publishing and Professional Cheaters

“Collusion Rings Threaten the Integrity of Computer Science Research” is an amusing, if not hilarious, write up. The venerable Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery has discovered that there is a “growing problem.” No kidding. I noted this statement: Continue reading “Stephen E Arnold: Professional Publishing and Professional Cheaters”