J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans 14 May 2019

13 American Gray Swans – Week 19 Using classic engineering logic ask the question “what could cause the collapse of the JIT delivery system”? The answer created the 13 American Gray Swans.  I am sure there are more, but these cover the highest probabilities.

Benjamin Fulford: Zionists Being Slammed Down, Trust the Plan — Comment by Robert Steele Including Reference to Global Currency Reset

Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew …

Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Organized by Macron, Insurance Fraud, Funding Paris Olympics, Saving EU & Central Banks UPDATE 18

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/notre-dame-false-flag I was  devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister …

Robert Steele: Pope Benedict XVI Blames 1960’s Sexual Revolution for Pedophilia in 1980’s — Who Is to Blame for the Sexual Revolution?

Ex-Pope Benedict blames church abuse scandal on sexual revolution of 1960s Former Pope Benedict XVI penned a lengthy letter that blames the “all-out sexual freedom” of the 1960s for ongoing scandals involving sexual abuse by priests. Benedict, who resigned as pope in 2013, argued in a column translated for the National Catholic Register that social upheaval …