Stephen E. Arnold: How Are Those Cyber Security Vendors Performing?

Advanced Cyber/IO, IO Impotency

How Are Those Cyber Security Vendors Performing?

This sounds like old news. This is really new news. The trust outfit Thomson Reuters published “U.S. Government Probes VPN Hack within Federal Agencies, Races to Find Clues.” The main idea is that despite the amped up cyber security efforts, another somewhat minor issue has been discovered. The trust outfit reports:

The new government breaches involve a popular virtual private network (VPN) known as Pulse Connect Secure, which hackers were able to break into as customers used it. More than a dozen federal agencies run Pulse Secure on their networks, according to public contract records.

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Mongoose: Is NASA A Satanic Freemason Moneylaundering & Mind Control Bastion Serving the Deep State? The Apollo Hoax Revisted

Cultural Intelligence

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The conspiracy theorists claim that NASA landed twelve Freemasons on the “moon”, but they remain noticeably silent when asked to explain the following simple facts that all prove that THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE WRONG. Nowadays, even NASA openly admits that it never yet brought humans past Low Earth Orbit. Only around 30 proofs are listed here, but a total of more than 1000 proofs exist that can be found all across the internet:

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Charles Hugh Smith: How Nations Fail

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

How Nations Fail: Elites See No Reason to Sacrifice Anything

If we don't understand how complex social systems such as nation-states lose stability and fail, then we can't possibly know how to fix what's broken, i.e. design a replacement system that re-establishes stability and maintains in via dynamic homeostasis, the same model embedded in ecosystems and organisms.

The 2013 book “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty” discusses the differences between failed states and successful states, and concludes that the failed states are fundamentally kleptocracies that answer to a self-serving elite while successful states are answerable to the broad populace.