Stephen E. Arnold: Financial Warfare — China, Cyber, Russia, ATMs Down?

Commercial Intelligence

Financial Warfare: Another View of FinTech

From an intelligence perspective, consider these questions:

  1. What’s the impact of the US printing dollars to cover Covid et al?
  2. What happens if China takes direct action to add Taiwan to its collection of entities?
  3. What happens if Russia annexes Ukraine?
  4. What happens if these events occur at the same time?

Read full post.

Viganò: Holy See is ‘making itself the servant of the New World Order’

Corruption, Government

Viganò on Vatican ‘health’ conference with Fauci: Holy See is ‘making itself the servant of the New World Order’

The result is the super-imposition over the true Church of a sect of heretical and depraved Modernists who are intent on legitimizing adultery, sodomy, abortion, euthanasia, idolatry, and any perversion of the intellect and will. The true Church is now eclipsed, denied and discredited by her very Pastors, betrayed even by the one who occupies the highest Throne.

See full article HERE

RELATED:  Under cover of COVID, the Vatican is going haywire