SPECIAL: California Fires, DEW Weapons UPDATE 16: Forest Fire Burns Houses & Cars But Not the Forest?

Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/USAF-DEW Deep State via the US Air Force dark side…. Conclusive  Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs Interesting…California wildfires map lines up with proposed high speed rail for California Reference Site: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & Contrived Fires Updates Below the Fold. Click First Link Above for Photo Essay.

Rebecca Campbell: Tesla Free Zero Point Energy — a Trump Go Ahead?

Visiv, the new company soon testing this Zenneck wave-based Tesla free zero point energy-based technology, has two retired USAF generals as corporate officers, as well as a respected Tesla-like long-time electrical engineer/inventor, a former energy company executive and a CFO who has both accounting and legal credentials. They specifically state on their website, indicating that …

Robert Steele: Deep State is Starting World War III UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/NATO-WWIII UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran A senior retired officer wrote this: Vicky Nuland ordered  [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko] to start a war with Russian Federation and guaranteed that NATO and Pentagon would step in and defeat the Russians? NeoCons, PNACers and Zionists believe that …

SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Micro-Nukes UPDATE 1: 97% at MAGA Rallies Agree This Is Real

From a source I had in the past who was in Israel, I personally believe that they developed micro-nukes based on lithium 7 and protons which function as implosive anti-matter micro-nukes placed ever ten floors in the twin-towers in the elevator shafts by now shut down elevator maintenance company that was working on elevators in …

Robert Steele: 10 Moves To Hold the House UPDATE 10: Lost House, Some Good News

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/trump-10-moves UPDATE 10: GOP lost the House and that is probably for the best — the NeverTrumpers from the GOP are the ones that were flushed out. Control of the Senate increased and that assures a flood of conservative Justices. MID-TERM SPECIAL: Trump Triumphs — Senate, Justices, Never-Trumpers Gone from House — Deep …