Steven Aftergood: President’s Power to Declare a National Emergency

Ethics, Government
Steven Aftergood

National Emergencies, and More from CRS

There were no less than 30 “national emergencies” in effect as of February 1, according to a tabulation prepared by the Congressional Research Service. An additional 21 national emergencies that are no longer in effect were also identified by CRS.

Under the National Emergencies Act, a declaration of national emergency can be used to activate presidential powers that would otherwise be unavailable. President Trump has suggested that he could declare a national emergency in order to begin construction of a “wall” along the U.S. border with Mexico without congressional authorization.

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Mongoose: Rotavirus Vaccine Case Study of CDC and FDA Corruption

07 Health, Corruption, Government

The Rotavirus Vaccine: A Case Study in Government Corruption and Malfeasance

In a previous article for Children’s Health Defense, titled “Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines”, we looked at how it can be true that government agencies are misinforming the public about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. The very prospect is treated by the mainstream corporate media as a “conspiracy theory”, but no such theory is required to explain it. On the contrary, the existence of institutionalized biases within the medical establishment and scientific community are well recognized in the scientific literature, and the Congress itself has criticized the endemic corruption within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The reality is that the government to a very large extent is the vaccine industry.

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Kevin Barrett: Why the War on Conspiracy Theories is Bad Public Policy

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Kevin Barrett

Why the War on Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy

Scientific evidence for the value of dissent is beautifully summarized in Charlan Nemeth’s In Defense of Troublemakers: The Power of Dissent in Life and Business (Basic Books, 2018). Nemeth, a psychology professor at UC-Berkeley, summarizes decades of research on group dynamics showing that groups that feature passionate, radical dissent deliberate better, reach better conclusions, and take better actions than those that do not—even when the dissenter is wrong.

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman.

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Yoda: Zionist Strike 31 — 77 Senators Vote Against First Amendment and in Favor of Israel First Not America First — Seek to Make It a Felony to Call for Boycott of Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Israel UPDATE 1: Naomi Klein Video

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Officers Call

Ha'aretz: U.S. Senate Passes anti-BDS Legislation With Strong Majority

Democratic senators were almost evenly split on the bill; passage in House of Representatives not guaranteed at this point

Al Jazeera: US Senate approves anti-BDS bill, slowdown of Syria withdrawal

Tuesday's Senate vote, which was 77-23, sends the legislation to the House of Representatives where it will likely face renewed debate, politicians said.

The law making it a felony to criticize Israel by calling for the boycott of Israel (something Ha'aretz has suggested all Jews should consider), was snuck into a larger bill that gives Israel tens of millions of dollars to continue building nuclear bombs and walls at US taxpayer expense, while genociding Palestinians.

Below is the list of 74 Senators who voted for the bill that now goes to the House of Representative. Each of these Senators is now a documented agent of a foreign power — the Zionist genocidal apartheid state of Israel — and should be dismissed from office by their constituents as well as investigated for accepting bribes or being blackmailed by Zionist agents led by AIPAC.

Continue reading “Yoda: Zionist Strike 31 — 77 Senators Vote Against First Amendment and in Favor of Israel First Not America First — Seek to Make It a Felony to Call for Boycott of Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Israel UPDATE 1: Naomi Klein Video”