Anthony Judge: Marrying an Other whatever the Form Reframing and Extending the Understanding of Marriage

Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Marrying an Other whatever the Form

Reframing and Extending the Understanding of Marriage

Religious context
Recognized criteria of marriage
Marriage more inclusively understood
Questionable criteria of marriage
Subtler insights into the “chemistry” of the marriage bond
Ionic marriage versus Covalent marriage?
Bonding with an “other” articulated through the language of molecular bonding
Complementary languages required for articulation of human bonding
Extending understanding of the “other” as a potential partner
Extending the family of “family values” — wisely
Enabling the other to be otherwise

Anthony Judge: The Cognitive Glass Ceiling — Enabling Questions, Challenged Audiences — Psychic Numbing and the Need for a Transformation of HOW We Think

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

We have a challenge before us.  I have invested heavily over decades in engaging with the UN as a rational pattern and pont of influence.  I no longer believe this to be the case.  However much we might succeed in placing the truth before any given organization, the chances of its over-coming built in biases is slim to none.  I have variously argued why this is the case.

Put simply there is zero capacity to absorb information in any collective sense. This constitutes a form of cognitive glass ceiling.

Hence my preoccupation with framing questions otherwise for other audeinces without getting locked intio marketing understandings of impact

One articulation of this (with links) is Embodiment of Change: Comprehension, Traction and Impact?: Discovering enabling questions for the future.

There is a degree of strategic and cognitive paradox required to which various authors refer and I endeavour to cite,.

I recall decades ago the remark of a top UN official to me that It was impossible to move anything of signifiance throygh the decisions processes of the UN system. Hence an early piece of mine on  The Art of Non-Decision-Making and the manipulation of categories.

But I salute your efforts.  Do not give up.

As a further remark, the issue is the capacity for uptake of any new insight.  Even presented on a plate, with a ticking bomb behind it, the capacity for uptake is far lower than we would like to assume.

This for me is the essence of the problem. Seeking greater impact by conventional means will not ensure uptake. People are overloaded with nio time or inclination to absorb new information

I have written variously on the matter, notably in summary form in Governing Civilization through Civilizing Governance: Global challenge for a turbulent future.

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: The Cognitive Glass Ceiling — Enabling Questions, Challenged Audiences — Psychic Numbing and the Need for a Transformation of HOW We Think”

Anthony Judge: Multiverse through Poetic Musing

04 Education, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Being a Poem in the Making Engendering a Multiverse through Musing


Insights from the crisis of science and belief
Questionably exclusive framing of multiverse by science
Imaginative engagement with multiverse through poetry
Poetic insights into becoming a poem and being one
Transcending both scientific and poetic comprehension of multiverse
Explanation vs. Inplanation: multiversal embodiment through the Ouroboros

It has an annex which develops the arguments of Rupert Sheldrake's presentation in the form of:

Knowledge Processes Neglected by Science:  insights from the crisis of science and belief

Anthony Judge: Eightfold Configuration of Nested Cycles of Cognitive Transformations: Meta-pattern of connectivity through a hypersphere?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence
Anthony Judge

Eightfold Configuration of Nested Cycles of Cognitive Transformations:  Meta-pattern of connectivity through a hypersphere?

Produced on the occasion of the joint meeting of the Scientific and Medical Network and the
Society for Scientific Exploration on Mapping Time, Mind and Space (Brú na Bóinne, Ireland, 2012).

Use of electrical metaphors for comprehension of transformative cognitive processes
From “periodic table” to “periodic container”
Periodic table of elements as problematic sociopolitical metaphor
Engaging with distinctions
Using the periodic table as a patterning template for cognitive transformations
Possible mapping of periodic correspondences into nested circles
Towards a “new set of wheels” for psychosocial navigation
Necessary “tuning” of any periodic representation
Recognition of cultural icons within a pattern of nested circles?


Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Eightfold Configuration of Nested Cycles of Cognitive Transformations: Meta-pattern of connectivity through a hypersphere?”

Anthony Judge: Sensing a Dynamic Pattern of Transformations

Cultural Intelligence, Culture, Ethics, Knowledge
Anthony Judge

In Quest of a Dynamic Pattern of Transformations: Sensing the strange attractor of an emerging Rosetta Stone

Table of Contents

Pattern of transformations as a dynamic quality without a name
Embodying the dynamic subtleties of living experience
Re-cognition of transformation in various domains
Interweaving fundamental patterning approaches to transformation
Modulating cognitive transformations: electrical metaphors and semiconduction
Potential emergence of coherent transformational connectivity
From polyocular Rosetta “stone” to complex polysensorial dynamic

Read full reflections at source.

Anthony Judge: Transforming the Art of Conversation

Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Anthony Judge

Transforming the Art of Conversation

Conversing as the transformative science of development

Variety of conventional conversation challenges
Why converse transformatively?
Imagining an art of transformative conversation
Prefixing “verse” as indication of conversation potential
Transformative conversation in a multiverse
Versification as a key to conversational transformation?
Proposed universes and their conversation potential
Conversation understood through a variety of metaphors
Conversational vehicles: conventional and paradoxical
Transformative conversation in the light of interwoven metaphors
Conversing with “oneself”
Conversation, confidence-building and transformative development

Read full article.

See Also:

Anthony Judge at Phi Beta Iota