General Overview
This is the BEST red pill documentary expose̒ of the ugly truths about our world and the people who run it I have seen in a while. The narrator includes a lot of information in ten relatively short episodes and offers insight into the QAnon movement. Mind-blowing information for the uninitiated and some surprises even for those familiar with the topic! Alert Reader has provided summaries of all available videos.
The follow-on series can be viewed here.
Part 1 – The End of the World as We Know It
The narrator opens with inconvenient truths about the recent wildfires in California, mercury in vaccines, chemtrails, organ harvesting, reptilian and satanic symbols in Vatican buildings, 911, false flag victims and subliminal messages in children’s entertainment. If that isn’t enough, she goes on to expose man-made viruses, cell phones and TVs that spy on us and the poisoning of our food supply by Monsanto/Bayer. What do all of these have in common? They are completely ignored by the mainstream media.
Part 2 – Down the Rabbit Hole
This episode traces the beginnings of the QAnon movement with examples of cryptic posts and phrases revealing secret societies and political corruption. The involvement of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families in banking, the Federal Reserve and the control of conventional medicine is discussed. George Soros’ connections to NAMBLA and ANTIFA are revealed.
Part 3 – The Alien Invasion
The truth about the “migrant invasion” and its connection to George Soros is exposed. Narrator explains how MSM twisted facts to make Trump look bad, ignoring his efforts to combat human trafficking.
Part 4 – Childlovers Everywhere
This episode delves into the Haitian orphanage child trafficking scandal involving the Clinton Foundation and the misuse of charitable donations by groups like Oxfam and the Red Cross. It reveals pedophile symbolism used by organizations dedicated to “helping children” and their connection to high profile politicians. It also exposes the Hollywood connection to pedophilia and the rampant sexual abuse of children including child actors. A real eye opener.
Part 5 — Children, Art, & Pizza
Sexualization of children and normalization of paedophilia, lowering the age of consent by judges and politicians like Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Theresa May amongst others. Paedophile logos used in advertisement, (Disney)films and cartoons, Child Protection Services, Adoption Agencies, in Politics etc. Pizagate, Comet Pingpong, sickening art and James Achilles Alefantes (a Rothschild) and his friends.
Part 6 – Major Media Manipulation
This episode discusses the extent of fake news and propaganda being disseminated by the major news organizations, who owns them and why choice is an illusion. It reveals how disinformation is used to drum up support for wars, shape our perceptions of people and events and promote a narrative. Events that do not support that narrative are simply never reported. Snopes is also exposed as a fraud.
Part 7 – Witches & Warlocks
The relationship of controversial artists like Maria Abramovic (known for “spirit cooking”) to high profile figures is discussed, along with satanic symbols in art and entertainment. Cannibalism is a recurrent theme. The suspicious suicides of musicians and celebrities who were victims of “death by hanging from a doorknob”, including Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain are examined. The rest of the video is devoted to the Dutch and British royal families and their connections to known pedophiles and Nazis.
Part 8 – Beyond Kings & Queens
This episode delves into the dark side of pedophilia, exposing cults who engage in satanic ritual abuse and the murder of children for adrenochrome. It also investigates the association of the British royal family, the Pope and celebrities with these groups. Red shoes anyone? How about the genocide of 50,000 native Canadian children?
Part 9 – The Dawn of a New World
The rise of populist movements around the world like the Yellow Vests and QAnon are examined. While the public is becoming aware of the existence of sex cults like NXIVM, other scandals like the Rosatom affair involving the Clintons are being covered up. Get ready for some bombshells about Obama, John McCain, the Dalai Lama and the true identity of Osama bin Laden.
Part 10 – The Return of the King
The final episode is a hopeful one. It promotes the theory that JFK Jr. is still very much alive and working with Donald Trump through Q to rid the world of the cabal that killed his father. The narrator drops some tantalizing clues involving a George magazine cover and books by Ingersoll Lockwood. Who is the mysterious Vincent Fusca? Can we really go back in time? The narrator proposes that we are on the verge of a new paradigm, a beautiful new world of free energy, a new banking system and new medical system. Can it be true? I pray it is so.
Free Online: Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & the Deep State